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Everything IS going to be ok. You are still the you that you were before this pharmaceutical deluge. (Bear with me, @sandij, I’m not only replying to you, I’m also talking to myself - and hoping I help others, too!)

For years I listened to other people but when did that happen? After my divorce! My self esteem plummeted and I questioned everything. Deciding for ME to go off Effexor after over 20 years was all me!

Yep! The crying outbursts came and I still cry everyday - but like you said, an emotional release. And I let them come.

I count my blessings, get sun, watch sitcoms, and just plain force myself to enjoy the good in life. BUT - don’t get me wrong. That “homesick” feeling is there. The weight is there. And what’s back is the anxiety. Every morning.

Guess what I did and it helped tremendously and I recommend it so so highly! I listen and follow a YouTube guided meditation. This one is nice and worked wonders!


Good luck all! Hope this helps some or all who need it.

BUBS! (Short for bubbles)

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Replies to "Everything IS going to be ok. You are still the you that you were before this..."

I am so glad you came and checked in with us. My thoughts have been wondering how you have been doing much of the day.
Have you added CBD? It totally takes away my anxiety.
How are things with mom?
Bright Wings

@secretwhitepop thank you so much for your post. It's the first time someone has accurately described that feeling...homesick, exactly.
Thank you for the link to the meditation. I also find the thunder and rain soundtracks very relaxing to fall asleep to.
My husband and I did such a fun thing yesterday called The Escape Room. It's an immersive mystery that requires finding clues to find the way out of a place. It was a good test for my brainpower and we did manage to solve the puzzle!
As far as I can tell, the discontinuation from effexor is going smoothly. But work, or as I should honestly call it, performance, is wearing on me. Not related to effexor. I rarely stay with one job even this long. I'm waiting to see what the universe brings me next before I burn the bridge with vipkid yet.
Also @@brightwings I've not been married 20 years, only coming up on 9 this fall. Although if you count the years together with past marriages it would be more than 20!
Secretwhitepop I'm glad things are going well with your mom. Thinking about you, and thanks again.