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Mestinon for Long Covid

Post-COVID Recovery & COVID-19 | Last Active: 1 day ago | Replies (30)

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I can relate to your symptoms! I too had full work ups for Cushings, thyroid, etc. until finally Long Covid was discovered.

I had gained and swelled 40 pounds of weight in 3 months with severe heart palpitations, temperature regulation issues, brain fog (difficulty following conversations), bed bound for a year, and housebound for another year. MCAS and gut dysbiosis were also toppers. (Be super careful about exercising… exercising and trying to get back to sports got me into this mess. There’s only thing that has helped since this crazy crash happened to me, is rest, rest, rest. Then lots of trials of ALL kinds of medications and supplements. I first got Covid end of 2019 in Europe but never this bad until I started exercising a lot 2 years ago. My world came to a complete halt… but Mestinon has given me hope!)

I can say I’ve just tried Pyridostigmine (Mestinon) and it helps! I have to take a SUPER low dose (7-10mg) and titrate up from there due to being incredibly sensitive to drugs and supplements (thanks MCAS). But it’s like one drug out of many that I don’t react to… and it helps!!
Even at this low dose!

My swelling is even going down some, and my energy is better. I’m only taking 1x/day rn and on day 5.

I’m going to add OAA next to see if this will also improve my muscle weakness.

There’s a test for LC that measures if you have the spike protein persisting in non classical monocytes. If you still have this then it can be wreaking havoc on your whole system and I believe that it’s the root cause of vagus dysfunction and dysautonomia.

I’m hoping to get on the treatment protocol of Atorvastatin/Maravoric to clear the spike proteins that I’ve tested positive for. So I’m trying to build up my mitochondria (Mestinon and OAA) as much as possible prior to starting statins.

This drug has given me lots of hope for a life again 🙏🏻🙏🏻
I just hope it lasts! (I’ve had so many fleeting weeks of feeling better only to have it crash again). Hope this one can be lasting!

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Replies to "I can relate to your symptoms! I too had full work ups for Cushings, thyroid, etc...."

Thankyou for responding! I am sorry you are going through all of this as well. The exercising is definitely what definitely made this severe for me too. I have noticed so many athletes have long covid. I realize that I never rested and now I am forced to because of this nightmare.I had a couple of Long Covid tests that came back negative, but many specialists I have seen told me I can still have it even with the tests not showing it. I know Long Covid is definitely involved. I have never in my life going through anything like I did that first year. I honestly did not think I would make it. I am such a strong person too, but this virus attacks absolutely everything. It even attacked my throat muscles so I waa unable to eat. I have severe Vagus nerve issues, but some have improved. I could barely swallow, cough, sneeze, hiccup, yawn or go to the bathroom for a year. Those functions came back, but I still can't throwup even if I needed to and have lack of gag reflex. I think is is that that signals from the brain to the body are still being blocked. I think the virus is still lingering in my gut.I am also going through perimenopause and after many ultrasounds they found I have Adenomyosis so I probably have Endemetrosis too. So that just adds to all of this mess. I had one slightly abnormal EMG and it had a list of possibilities and mitochondrial disease was one of them probably brought on by covid. I am grateful I can get out of bed after being bed bound for a year, but my walking is still not normal at all.It looks like I have the worse case of Scoliosis or Anklosing Spondylitis. I am thinking alot of it had to do with the weakness in my torso and stiff neck being pushed forward. The numbness in my torso I am thinking could possibly be Small Fiber Neuropathy. I have the weakness in my hands,wrists and fingers and feet, toes and ankles too. I am going to have to convince my next Neurologist to let me try Mestinon. Did you happen to get insulin resistance too after covid? I don't have diabetes, but insulin resistance now which I never had in my life.Can I ask you what supplements helped you at all?