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@sueinmn Well, I seem to go along with hour I feel. If a good day, I tend to do more. If a not good day, I’ll even stay in my pj’s and read. We also keep quick-to-make dinners in the freezer.
I’m also back in my sewing studio! I use my time there as relaxation and rejuvenation. If I get a little overworked or confused, I just close the door and say “there’s always tomorrow.”
One big fault I have is not always letting my husband help me. He’s very willing but I tell him that I need to do it myself. Crazy, I know, but he already does so much and I worry about him.
He’s very good at recognizing my need to go lie down and will even finish the chore that we were both doing.
It took me so long to get where I was in life that it’s hard to stop. But, I am listening to myself more each day. It’s really killing me that I can’t get out and demonstrate! I am getting better day by day. Thank you and Ginger for your care and thoughtfulness!

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Replies to "@sueinmn Well, I seem to go along with hour I feel. If a good day, I..."

This sounds just like me, "One big fault I have is not always letting my husband help me. He’s very willing but I tell him that I need to do it myself. Crazy, I know, but he already does so much and I worry about him.
He’s very good at recognizing my need to go lie down and will even finish the chore that we were both doing."
Or he will hand me a glass of water and point me to my recliner. He is also the one to pull things out of the freezer for dinner many evenings.
Aren't we lucky?

Precious Becky, I am a Spoonie. I understand even though our maladies are different.

Yesterday, I went for my shoulder injections (40 minute drive) , picked up prescription when I left, got lunch, came home, fed the cat and crashed for about an hour with a nap. I was refreshed afterwards.

I do ask my sweet husband to help me and he does. He has excellent health and it makes me so happy to see him able to do the things he loves.

Pacing yourself is very difficult when your mind is telling you to "Do". I have gotten better at letting the housework go on the hardest days. Praying for you. Blessings...

i am also a sewer; i like the spooning idea. like you, i have limited energy. making coffee is hard. i do try to buy myself things to make my life easier. and showers are exhausting. laundry too!! i may have to find a quicker coffeemaker.
i chop things a lot so i bought a huge knife. online shopping is tough for finding good sizes. i also get some help.