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I was only ever on 25mg Effexor for hot flashes. I found the withdrawal symptoms (anxiety, agitation, akathisia and insomnia) very troubling and disruptive. The emotionalism and instant rage were also a nasty surprise. I told my doctor that my husband had married me for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, but he didn't know about, or agree to Effexor. Our 39th anniversary is next month; the D word has been spat out there a few times over the years. You say you've been able to tolerate your withdrawal symptoms, but you admit to rage and crying jags. While you're getting off Effexor isn't the best time to make a decision regarding your marriage (or your job). Please don't draw a line in the sand over words said in the heat of the moment; neither of you is at your best right now.

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Replies to "@sandij I was only ever on 25mg Effexor for hot flashes. I found the withdrawal symptoms..."

@sandij- It's so frustrating going through a personal tough time with physical problems and not have a happy marriage. I agree with @texasdutchess that you should wait until your withdrawal symptoms have all disappeared before making any major decisions. Besides you are probably angry at the world right now. YOur husband probably doesn't know how to handle your moods. Please talk to him and clue him in. Keep him in your loop so that he will better be able to help. Can you do this?