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I have suffered with idiopathic neuropathy for over 15 years and have spent a lot of time and money trying to relieve my pain. The first neurologist told me to live with it, well, I did that for 10 years until the pain continued to get worse so I saw a Pain Management physician. He started me on Gabapetin which I stopped taking after a few days because of the side effects. He then put a spinal stimulator in my back that helped for 4 years but then it stopped working and the company that made this product stopped calling me. I think they grew tired of my calls and left me to fend for myself. My physician told me to keep calling the support team but no response. My second Neurologist put me on Gabapetin again and then switched to Venlafaxine. Side effects were horrible and I gained over 20 pounds in a couple of months. I stopped those pills and went back to the Pain Management Physician. He now has me on 300 mg of Tramadol a day which is not working. I can’t believe an opioid cannot relieve some of my pain and anxiety. I have spent $100’s of dollars on creams, vitamins and minerals with no success. I joined this site today to see if there is another way to deal with this monster. I was wondering if anyone has tried magnesium? I have not tried this yet and it could be a another failure but I continue to hope.
I did see another Neurologist this past fall and he suggested I give up my evening cocktail. He told me for someone like me, just a drink every day can lead to neuropathy. He also said since I have been having a cocktail each evening for over 40 years, I’m now 76, the damage has been done and I will not have any relief. I did give up my cocktail, it’s been 3 months but there is no relief from that suggestion. It continues to get worse and my days are spent sitting in a recliner reading or playing games on an IPad. Walking is so painful, I don’t go shopping anymore. My husband does all the grocery shopping and cleaning and thank God for him.
I look forward to hearing about your experiences with neuropathy. As I said, it’s a monster to live with.

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Replies to "I have suffered with idiopathic neuropathy for over 15 years and have spent a lot of..."

Hello @nebrannie49, Welcome to Connect. Sorry you haven't found anything that touches the pain. I'm fortunate in that I only have the numbness and some tingling but no real pain other than the minor joint pain from arthritis. I shared my neuropathy journey story along with other members in another discussion here - https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/member-neuoropathy-journey-stories-whats-yours/.

I also gave up on alcohol although I don't think there is any proof that an occasional drink makes things worse. I just felt it can't make things any better either. Sugar is another culprit and I do try to cut back quite a bit on it but haven't completely eliminated it. Walking is difficult for me also but it's because of my back and spine issues and not the neuropathy. The neuropathy does play havoc with my balance though 🙃.

I know you've probably looked through a lot of info trying to find something that helps. Lots of good information here - https://www.foundationforpn.org/living-well/. Have you seen the Foundation for Peripheral Neuropathy?

I take magnesium, alpha Lipoic acid, Acetyl l carnitine, vitamin d and vitamin b12 and it helps me.

What are your current neuropathy symptoms and where do you get them? Does anything trigger or worsen them?

I understand alcohol is a toxin and not good for nerves and those suffering with neuropathy. Neuropathy pain = nerve damage. The best we can do is eat a healthy diet and exercise as best we can to ensure we are getting enough oxygen moving to all tissues. Swimming is a good way to get exercise but not put pressure on joints or feet.

It is also really important to get good sleep and take care of your mental health since chronic pain cause cause anxiety and depression.

I tried taking magnesium for a few months, but didn't notice any improvement, so I quit taking it. You might consider taking a few supplements that might help just because of your age, unless you're already doing so.
A good multivitamin, calcium with vitamin D, a B complex, and an iron supplement. It wouldn't hurt.