Anyone dealing with Carcinoid NETs with Diabetes?
I was diagnosed with Carcinoid Tumors Earlier this year, 2 weeks ago I was diagnosed with Diabetes. I’ve been pre-diabetic for a few years now and was told the hormones related to the Tumors can cause an increase in blood sugar. Is anyone dealing with diabetes and Carcinoid syndrome is oral medication working for you? Thanks…
Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Neuroendocrine Tumors (NETs) Support Group.
Thank you for your comment and advise. I really appreciate hearing from anyone about this situation. I feel the doctors are just consoling me and not really helping to improve. I receive a shot every 28 days of Sandostatin, as surgery is not an option. I am looking to see if I can get a second opinion on this diagnosis.
I have had diabetes for about 30 years. Shortly after being diagnosed with diabetes, I began having heart problems. In 30 years I have had 27 stents, a quadruple bypass, and recently received a pacemaker. Then about 10-12 years ago, I was diagnosed with lymphoma and proud to say I have been in remission for 8 years. However, 4 years ago I was diagnosed with a carcinoid tumor and was told it was inoperable. I am receiving Sandostatin every 28 days, but I just feel there must be more that can be done.
Hello all. My brother had MEN1 and sadly passed at 37. I have been diabetic for almost 20 years. I have suddenly had 2 weeks of very bad watery diarrhea and also started having coughing fits. Wheezing also. When I eat it is worse. Do you think it could be a tumor or the syndrome? Thank you in advance.
Hello, @racheln82, and welcome to the NETs support group on Mayo Connect. I am sorry to hear of your brother's death. Please accept my condolences.
Given your family history, I understand your concern with these new symptoms. As you may know, Mayo Connect's members are patients like yourself. While most of us have experience with NETs we are not medical professionals and therefore cannot help you with a diagnosis.
As these symptoms have been going on for two weeks I would encourage you to see your doctor. Have you notified your doctor about these changes in your health? Given your family history, this is probably a good idea. It can put your mind at ease to understand the significance of these symptoms.
Will you post again and let me know how you are doing?
Thank you very much for the advice. I sure will give an update.
Yes now the doctor tell me I pre-diabetic also
Hello @beatie62 and welcome to the NETs support group on Mayo Connect, We have some other members who have NETs and also diabetes. Please meet @keppi, @tomrennie and @vinnie694.
How are you feeling? Is your blood sugar controlled with medication?
I just started on them about 2 weeks ago and it is up and down
Are you currently taking oral medication for your diabetes or do you take insulin? It may take a while for your blood sugar to normalize.
Is your NET near or on the pancreas?
Hi. What medication are you on?