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Checking in on day 5 effexor free. I have been vigilant about taking benadryl and ibuprofen for the dizziness and to prevent headaches, and continued vitamin D, omega 3, some CBD oil, and I have started taking dessicated liver on the advice of my acupuncturist due to the recent liver issues, and still taking my regular TCM remedy.
I have been eating like crazy!
One thing that is very different is that I have been urinating a lot more frequently, and have no idea why.
The dizziness is quite bearable actually, and sometimes I have some shivering. But this is NOTHING NEW! I have experienced these symptoms even worse at smaller tapers. From 75 to around 68 mg was the worst taper I had ever experienced. From that dose down to nothing has been easier so far. The best thing is that even though the dizziness is keeping me from being super productive (can hardly sew a straight line!) my motivation is back, I have not had to have naps, like I was doing for years and I actually feel like going outside instead of laying in a dark room watching youtube videos all day. I have had some serious crying jags but not coming from an emotional place, just more of a purge or release, and they pass pretty quickly. Same with some of the angry bouts. I actually have some hope that everything is going to be ok with this decision. Hope everyone is having a good day. Hang in there.

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Replies to "Checking in on day 5 effexor free. I have been vigilant about taking benadryl and ibuprofen..."


Good Morning!
Sounds like you've got things under control!
You seem to know just how to handle what symptoms you are having.

Continued luck with your tapering!
Ronnie (GRANDMAr)

Everything IS going to be ok. You are still the you that you were before this pharmaceutical deluge. (Bear with me, @sandij, I’m not only replying to you, I’m also talking to myself - and hoping I help others, too!)

For years I listened to other people but when did that happen? After my divorce! My self esteem plummeted and I questioned everything. Deciding for ME to go off Effexor after over 20 years was all me!

Yep! The crying outbursts came and I still cry everyday - but like you said, an emotional release. And I let them come.

I count my blessings, get sun, watch sitcoms, and just plain force myself to enjoy the good in life. BUT - don’t get me wrong. That “homesick” feeling is there. The weight is there. And what’s back is the anxiety. Every morning.

Guess what I did and it helped tremendously and I recommend it so so highly! I listen and follow a YouTube guided meditation. This one is nice and worked wonders!


Good luck all! Hope this helps some or all who need it.

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