Anyone had gemcitabine and docetaxel for Bladder Cancer?
Just had second of six weekly doses Gem/Doc chemo infusion for my bladder cancer. Had six doses BCG but cancer came right back. Mine is aggressive but non invasive at present. Been scraped out twice. Any one else having this type chemo? Would like to compare notes.
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Thank you very much!
Hi. Yes. I have high grade ta0. Not cou ting initial failure..I have had 3 Turbt surgeries. After each bcg. Then I went 6 months with no tx due to clinics error. Now I am starting gem doc…not sure what I will do if no response…my doc wanted to remove my bladder after bcg failure….
I have completed 6 Gem/Doce treatments. Side effects varied but were tolerable. I go in March 12th for a Cystoscopy to see if the cancer is gone.
Had my Cystoscopy today. No visible signs of cancer! I start my monthly maintenance treatments this Friday.
@nana2three2025, have you started gemcitabine and docetaxel (gemdox) yet? How are you doing?
I have had 2 intravesical treatments of gem/ doc so far. I have had no issues whatsoever.. thanks for reaching out.