Leg length difference after TKR! What can be done?

Posted by Mamie @mamie, May 12, 2018

My sister, who also has chronic venous insufficiency, had a total knee replacement at the end of February. Has been doing exercises, going to PT, but after more pains, her PT suggest she start using a cane. Pain in legs and lower back. Finally PT measured her and said her "new knee" leg is 1.6 inches!!! longer than the other one. She is devastated that she is now in worse pain than she was before TKR. She was told to build up the shoe of her shorter leg and find someone to add to the bottom of the shoe as well. Now she can't walk around barefoot anymore but has to put on shoes to ease the pain even a little. What can she do? Any suggestions?

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Please get a second opinion on the actual discrepancy. I know this is probably making her crazy. Mine was much less and could be managed by heel lifts but I've had so my doctors, PT , ect give me different lengths. Apparently the ONLY away to be accurate is X-ray.


I had my HIP replaced & IMMEDIATELY knew that leg was longer! After a while, my whole body contoured to that…my spine curved (scoliosis) to compensate. Now, post rev., I think it’s the length it should be, so my spine & whatever else is going to re-compensate to this…?
🤷‍♀️ What ya gonna do?

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I had a TKR on my left knee on Feb of 2012. I had been in constant pain before that but seemed better after it finally healed. Then the back and hip pain started. Went to regular doctor and we tried muscle relaxers and pain meds, but no help so the years rocked on and then after X-rays doctor said I had scoliosis. I said I have never had that!! Sent me to PT and we tried that but no help. I had an appointment with podiatry dr and mentioned back pain, he sent me to orthotic dr and after looking at tests, X-rays, scans etc he said here is your problem!!! You left leg is 3/4 in shorter that right leg. So we started with 1/2 in orthotics for a year and finally got to 3/4 in and my muscle back pain is so much better but I have to wear them consistently. But my lower back pain and hip pain from scoliosis is there all the time. Sometimes worse than others. So I guess I live with chronic back pain for the rest of my life. Does not seem fair…


I had a TKR on my left knee on Feb of 2012. I had been in constant pain before that but seemed better after it finally healed. Then the back and hip pain started. Went to regular doctor and we tried muscle relaxers and pain meds, but no help so the years rocked on and then after X-rays doctor said I had scoliosis. I said I have never had that!! Sent me to PT and we tried that but no help. I had an appointment with podiatry dr and mentioned back pain, he sent me to orthotic dr and after looking at tests, X-rays, scans etc he said here is your problem!!! You left leg is 3/4 in shorter that right leg. So we started with 1/2 in orthotics for a year and finally got to 3/4 in and my muscle back pain is so much better but I have to wear them consistently. But my lower back pain and hip pain from scoliosis is there all the time. Sometimes worse than others. So I guess I live with chronic back pain for the rest of my life. Does not seem fair…

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I’m sorry you are suffering with constant pain.
I think I am suffering from this as well. No one seems to have an answer to my low back pain after TKR. Leg length difference makes sense.


I’m sorry you are suffering with constant pain.
I think I am suffering from this as well. No one seems to have an answer to my low back pain after TKR. Leg length difference makes sense.

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Yes you should get it checked out


What can be done about leg straightening after tkr a year ago. More pain now than before.


My other knee needed to be done in order to correct the domino effect on all the joints! Same thing happened on the hip replacement . And I’m waiting for the other knee spacer surgery to be done because every joint screams at me when I walk! It’s like stepping off a curb! I have 5 cushions in a clog to even walk! Drs agreed! It’s a damaging problem that needs to be addressed!


I had TKR in rt knee 2 1/2 years ago. I have walked with limp and about 8 months ago I developed Bursitis in rt hip with serious pain in hip, groin as well as down side of leg and rt knee joint. I have had 3 steroid shots in hip with no long term relief. Just went to PT and after measuring legs rt. Leg is 3/4 inch longer than left leg. Now I am having orthotics made for shoes but if I do t wear constantly don’t know how that is a solution.


What can be done about leg straightening after tkr a year ago. More pain now than before.

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I had TKR in 2012 and woke up in worse pain. Once every week or so, something would catch on something on the outside of my knee. For 4-7 days after, the pain was excruciating. This went on for 2 years until an old Dr. at USC Keck did Orthoscopic surgery to take a look. He found a ganglion cyst and removed it. No pain relief after 6 PT sessions. Long story short, I had a Total Hip Replacement (same side) done last May and was told by Dr. that my leg was 2 inches longer than other. He adjusted it to even my legs. My IT Band was rubbing on the knee prosthesis. 4 months of daily PT on hip muscles. 9 months later and it's finally feeling a little better. Going to ask Pain Dr. to get some PT on my IT Band. 13 years of extreme pain hopefully will finally improve. Just had injections in my other hip today. Ready for some PT. I'll never give up. Hate Pain Pills!


I'm 77 years old and live in Maine. The right side of my right foot hurts so much that I limp and hobble. Yesterday, a podiatrist said there's a 0.8 inch discrepancy between the length of my legs.

Due to arthritic pain, an orthopedic surgeon did some minor surgical adjustment to my left knee in 2016, but to hurt more than before. I needed two TKRs, but he refused to do the left knee 1st. So I had the right TKR in 2017 and the left TKR in 2018.

I recovered with the usual pain, pills, ice water wrap, and PT. Soon I easily walked miles at a time. Both knees remain stiff, so I cling to railings on steps and stairs (should probably get more PT for this, but we downsized to a 1-story house).

The podiatrist wrote there's a "limb length discrepancy causing foot inversion, which stresses the peroneal tendon. The right leg is much shorter than left, 2.2 cm [0.87 inches], likely due to knee replacements about 7 or 8 years ago. You will need a right heel lift to help offset this limb length issue, stop the foot inversion, and solve the tendonitis."

He placed a ½ cm lift ("double felt") under the heel of the insole of the right Brooks shoe and suggested we order a heel lift on Amazon that comes with 4 quarter inch layers. I'm to experiment with different sizes. He said, "one half inch may work best" and told me to apply diclofenac gel to the area and ice as needed." I have another appointment in 4 weeks.

Walking is still agonizing but I limp less for an hour or two after rubbing in the gel. He said it will take 2 or 3 weeks for my leg to adjust to the heel insert. At least now I have a bit of hope for improvement. I love to walk, and spring is coming!


I had hip replacement and I kept complaining about my other leg being longer now and the doctor kept telling me it's just swelling it's really not that much longer just give it time and it'll go away I'm 8 months out and it's still way longer in my back hurts all the time now my knees are hurting and I have osteoarthritis then it just makes it worse.

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