Can one foot remain much less numb.? How quickly can it progress?

Posted by rollo8 @rollo8, 5 days ago

Left foot much more numb. Cannot determine what I am standing on at times. When I feel I am falling, it is the left foot.
How long can I maintain the degree of numbness in my ‘good’ foot, my right foot? I guess I am asking for your experiences.

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Mine progressed from tingling in right foot to almost total numbess especially top of foot, now both feet in 2 years. My EMG gets worse each time. If you touch below my waist, I get vibrations down my leg to my foot. I have no pain and no motor loss but it greatly has affected my balance. No one can tell me how much further up my body it will progress. I have auto immune disease diagnosis and Neurologist at Medical University of So Carolina thinks it has caused neuropathy.


I have idiopathic poly neuropathy in my feet, it's been 10 years now. Lately it seems like my right foot has gotten worse than my left, and I'm not sure why. I drove a truck for over 30 years, and have always done all of the driving during our 40+ year marriage, so I'm wondering if it's from all of those years of using my right foot on the accelerator and the brakes?
The pain in my feet, as well as my right knee is so intense that I can no longer drive our minivan, so my wife has taken over the driving duties.


Dear @rollo8

xxx YOU? xxx
Numbness of part of your left-leg? Mine is on my right-leg… Falling… like “falling down”? You feel of falling?

xxx FOR ME… xxx
For me, little balance in the right-foot that feels me down. Over the last few mths, I hit my top of my head —brain.

If I need - to easy - of falling down, helps me by using a helmet. Sure that’s help, but hitting of our brain, even using a helmet, could destroy our brain. Helmets help us, but is still not as well. Look at kids at school playing football. What happens 1 kid of the 50-100 players for the 4 years of a kid, hits, destroyed his brain for several times. Or riding a motorcycle, by falling down against a coming surgery.

Take a helmet help you, but still NO NOT FALLING DOWN., OK? Be careful and use your brain-eyes to look the next step and move slower instead of doing sometime that you want a second…

Greg D. @greg1956

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