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Hip revision due to metal on metal ions.

Joint Replacements | Last Active: Mar 4 6:51pm | Replies (76)

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New to this group. My husband had a Wright Conserve L Hip replacement done in 2006 (MOM). This device was not on the recall list. He recently went in for a consult on his R hip which he will have replaced in June of this year.

Blood work showed chromium level of 4.3 and cobalt level of 16.6. An MRI of the MOM L hip replacement was advised in the future to rule out fluid collection and soft tissue destruction. We were told that if a revision was required, that the surgery would be much worse than the original surgery as it would require splitting the femur in half to remove the femoral stem. Apparently, the Conserve hip consists of 3 separate parts (the femoral stem, femoral head and acetabular cup). Our doc said the surgery would require 8 weeks of non-weight bearing. Needless to say, my husband is not willing to have this extensive, invasive surgery as his left hip is not causing him any problems.

Has anyone out there had a revision surgery on a Conserve hip where just the head and the cup were replaced with ceramic? Seems like this would be much less invasive with less recovery time.


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Replies to "New to this group. My husband had a Wright Conserve L Hip replacement done in 2006..."

Welcome to the group. I am not familiar with this specific hip, but it sounds like an unusually complex procedure...The typical problem with MOM implants is the friction between the metal acetabular cup and the femoral head so only those are replaced without disturbing the stem.
That's how my revisions, and those of several others I know weer done.

What I would do is to start making calls to see who specializes in revisions near you. Or contact a hospital with a ,large orthopedic surgery practice - the local trauma center is a good place to start.
Let us know if you need help finding somewhere.