5mg vs 10mg of Tamoxifen

Posted by gcroemer @gcroemer, Sep 21, 2022

Hi all,
I'm currently on 10mg of tamoxifen after surgery for Invasive Ductal stage 1. I started with 20mg but my feet hurt so bad I could barely walk around my house. I've reduced to 10mg but am struggling with the weight gain and mental health issues from this medicine. Has anyone switched to 5mg with approval from their doctor and if so are side effects reduced?
Any advice is greatly appreciated. I don't want cancer again, but I also don't want to be miserable.

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How are you feeling? I heard the same story from other ladies.

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Unfortunately, I have developed gallstones, from Tamoxifen. I can't take any of the other HRTs, because of my osteoporosis. Because I am stage 1, with a Oncotype DX lower than 18, my oncologist told me I could decide to go off of it. I did, and am now taking Indole-3-Carbinol 200mg, and 1000mg, ( the amount is supposed to be at least 3000mg.) Turkey Tail Mushroom capsules. It is very expensive for me on only Social Security. Tamoxifen was $1.30 a month. There is ongoing research regarding both of these substances.


I'm commenting once again. I didn't take any AL. My treatment ended around 3 years ago. Recently my oncologist said my cancer probably wouldn't be back. Now I'm 82.


Did your oncologist base the 15% recurrence risk on genomic or other tests of tumor tissue?

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I took the latest genomic test in 2025 - Precision RT - (Prelude DX is the third party vendor) which is considered 96% accurate. It tests the excised sample after a lumpectomy with DCIS. It does the testing on the sample and also includes the other factors such as age, etc. It gives you two scores on a scale of 1-10 that is then translated into a percentage. The first is the high level number - your 10 year percentage of return with doing nothing - no meds or radiation. The second number is your 10 year percentage of return with radiation therapy. (They are now doing trials with tamoxifen). This test was ordered by my oncologist at a premier breast center in NYC at no cost to me.


I just went off Anastrozole and about to try 20mg Tamoxifen. I am 75, early stage. Now reading about weight gain and other side effects from Tamoxifen. At my age I don't want to be in misery! The first oncologist I saw explained that my risk of reoccurrence is 15% AI reduces that by one half. I'll try tamoxifen for 90 days but am seriously considering going off all AI's.

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Aporto aquí mi experiencia con tamoxifeno.
A fines de 2005 tuve cáncer de mama que se manifestó en un pequeñísimo bulto.Fui operada y me retiraron 9 o 10 ganglios. Recibí rayos (una determinada cantidad pedida por el cirujano) que el radiólogo determinó aplicar en corto tiempo aumentando la intensidad.Por descuido mío ,no cuide la parte irradiada, y debí cortar el tratamiento una semana por irritación de la.piel.Pero he de comentar que no sentí nunca ninguna molestia,cansancio o malestar que alterase mi bienestar.Pero si calambres en mis piernas. Y muy intensos desde más o menos la mitad del tratamiento del tamoxifeno que empecé a tomar después de terminada la aplicación de los rayos. Pedí muchísimas veces al médico que me suspendiese ese medicamento, cosa que no conseguí. Al poco tiempo de de dejar de tomar tamoxifeno cesaron mis calambres, que eran fatales. No sé si había alguna relación pero esa fue mi experiencia.

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