Pregabalin generic for Lyrica. Other Options treating spasms and pain+
*I am on Pregabalin 150 mg daily (might be increased in a few weeks depending). Not too effective. Spasms & pain @ times excruciating.
*Might be put on injectable med. for new dx of psoriatic arthritis
*Use lidocaine 0.5% ointment on toes (helps minimally)
*Due to receive Physical Therapy for:
1. mechanical trouble with spine
2. Spasms
3. lumbosacral radiculopathy
*I cannot take Cymbalta. Because it would aggravate other condition.
*Using a cane. Neurologist said she didn’t see me in a wheelchair. I do. If this does not get under control.
I’m on a lot of meds. Looking for any and all options. I’m not walking except when I must due to pain and imbalance. This is very taxing mentally and my quality of life has gone down tubes. I’m young. I don’t see myself living like this for the rest of my life. Any suggestions???
Thank you,
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Did he have an MRI of entire spine?
Yes, also brain.
I have MCTD and declined Lyrica, gabapentin. I get images and do PT for those muscles and have been advised to manage my hydration better. Water exercise and PT take you from where you are, rather than gyms that use machines. Most of my stretches can be done on my bed and keeping muscles flexible and strong has been important for mobility. Massages can also be helpful for spasms and tight muscles.
Hi, I understand your frustration, the condition is debilitating, my lumbosacral radiculopathy, L4,5 and S1 causes burning, pins and needles, cramps, muscle and mental fatigue and pain in my lower lack, buttocks, pelvis, left leg more damaged with weak muscles, I have pain and symptoms in both legs and this caused my fibromyalgia so I have all the pain and symptoms that go with that condition to. Caused by a car crash in January 2013, I use a walking aid, I see myself in a wheel chair if I don't keep up my regime, as sometimes I have to crawl on the floor and stairs to move as standing and walking can be too painful sometimes, as can sitting, laying down, even breathing hurts when the fibro and nerve pain from my spine both flare up together. I mask my condition every day to the outside so that I can work.
I use Pregablin, co-codamol and natural herbs
GP referrals: physio, acupuncture, pain management group therapy and hydrotherapy
To ease my condition: breathing exercises, meditation, TENS machine, cupping as it affects the deep tissue muscle massage can't reach, sports massage, hydrotherapy, swimming, walking, Qi Gong and Yin Yoga - keep your body moving with gentle exercise and activity
I had the root nerve blook for several years then had a bad reaction to it two years ago, thats why my pain is so severe now as it helped
Epsom salts baths or mix with olive oil and rub and massage into the part of your body where it hurts. Put a towel down and wear old clothes as the oil will stain them.
Magnesium is good for reducing muscle spasms/ cramps
I take B12 and vitamin D spray and vitamin C to boost my immune system
No caffeine that agitates the condition- research foods which are good and bad - that will help- nutrition is very important - foods that reduce inflammation- alkaline based foods- berries, pulses, organic ginger- freshly made juices- I reduced my meat intake and I feel better. Find what works for you.
I am in pain 24/7 and I wonder how I even get out of bed. Some days
I pay privately for a counsellor and have been seeing her for two years now, it's great to have someone to talk to who will listen, support and motivate me. I find I need to have a healthy and positive mindset as the pain can overwhelm me and in the past it caused me deep depression and I just didn't function.
I also facilitate a long term health group, it's great to have other people to talk to who understand just how isolating, frustrating and challenging our conditions can be
I also work, I use it as my distraction, I am self employed as I can only work 7 months of the year due to my condition, I inform my employers of my condition and they put accomodations in place to support me, it's not easy when neuropathic pain with all the other symptoms is your disability, it's tough. You need a good support system around you, healthcare professionals who care and will listen and that isn't always the case. I live in England and my healthcare is free.
You have probably found solutions, but if not I hope this helps.
Stay positive, take care
I also take pregabalin for pain but it was originally prescribed from bladder pain (interstitial cystitis) but after seeing the neurologist yesterday for the first time, she said that it works for nerve pain. I was originally prescribed 300 mg. twice a day. I found that to actually be too much as I felt hung over the next morning so I decided to ask for a reduction to 300 mg once a day and 200 mg. at night. Still feel hung over. Past experience is that I tolerated tramadol and most other pain medicines better than most. So not sure if the pregabalin at night is working with the Mirtazapine that I take for depression. I have been taking that for years. I have tried almost all antidepressants, two rounds of TMS, of course regular therapy, etc. Do not want to be depressed again so if I need to make adjustments for the antidepressant to be taken at dinner time etc. I will. I mean having PN is depressing enough and I was depressed before getting that diagnosis. It is all very tricky. At any rate, the neurologist prescribed testing (I have scheduled) and physical therapy that I will schedule. As I have said previously on this site, after reading a lot of posts, it sounds like PN has no "fix" - just different ways to try to deal with it. So I will do everything the neurologist wants me to do and pray that it doesn't progress to my arms or hands. Not sure how people are coping with that!