Anyone have experience with spinal decompression
I have tried just about everything with constant back pain from spinal stenosis. A spinal decompression machine is designed to
stretch and lengthen the spine, reversing the effects of natural aging and spine compression. Has anyone tried this and what are results?
I am doing this at a medical facility under direction of a doctor and a physical therapist on a commercial machine. Theory is this non-invasive, non-surgical pain relief therapy gently separates discs, creating negative pressure, which draws in water, oxygen, and nutrients.
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Hi Jonathan, I am going to join a small gym at a park district that charges $75 a year for seniors.
I am a young 72 years old. In Chicago, Marijuana is legal and there are many dispensaries near me. I tried marijuana once in a gummy form and did not like the experience that I felt. Then I tried just CBD which is doing nothing. I think a combination of CBD and a small percent of marijuana mixed would be a help. I will talk to the people at the dispensary because they know all about back pain conditions and I am sure there is a gummy with a small amount of THC that won't give me the affect of all THC that I had. I've also bought an exercise ball to do the stretches that I did in physical therapy. On a web sight, I also found five exercises that should help back pain. My problem is sticking to the routine. I am done with surgeries, even minimally evasive.
Hi, my condition is debilitating, my lumbosacral radiculopathy, L4,5 and S1 causes burning, pins and needles, cramps, muscle and mental fatigue and pain in my lower lack, buttocks, pelvis, left leg more damaged with weak muscles and sciatia. I have pain and symptoms in both legs and the damage to my spine caused my fibromyalgia so I have all the pain and symptoms that go with that condition to. All caused by a car crash in January 2013, I use a walking aid, I see myself in a wheelchair if I don't keep up my regime, as sometimes I have to crawl on the floor and stairs to move as standing and walking can be too painful sometimes, as can sitting, laying down, even breathing hurts when the fibro and nerve pain from my spine both flare up together. I mask my condition every day to the outside so that I can work.
I don't think it would work for me, due to the severity of my condtion.
I use Pregablin, co-codamol and natural herbs
To ease my condition: breathing exercises, meditation, TENS machine, cupping as it affects the deep tissue muscle massage can't reach, sports massage, hydrotherapy, swimming, walking, Qi Gong and Yin Yoga -I keep my body moving with gentle exercise and activity
Epsom salts baths or mix with olive oil and rub and massage into the part of my body where it hurts. Put a towel down and wear old clothes as the oil will stain them.
Magnesium is good for reducing muscle spasms/ cramps
I take B12 and vitamin D spray and vitamin C to boost my immune system
No caffeine that agitates my condition- I research foods which are good and bad - that will help- nutrition is very important - foods that reduce inflammation- alkaline based foods- berries, pulses, organic ginger- freshly made juices- I reduced my meat intake and I feel better.
I am in pain 24/7 and I wonder how I even get out of bed some days
I pay privately for a counsellor and have been seeing her for two years now, it's great to have someone to talk to who will listen, support and motivate me. I find I need to have a healthy and positive mindset as the pain can overwhelm me, as in the initial stages of my condition it caused me deep depression and I just couldn't function or cope.
I also facilitate a long term health group, it's great to have other people to talk to who understand just how isolating, frustrating and challenging our conditions can be
I also work within the cultural sector, and we know the benefits of art and culture, so it is my therapy and I use work as my distraction. I am self employed, I can only work 7 months of the year due to my condition, I am lucky to be working at all, I push myself as I couldn't afford to live on benefits. I inform my employers of my condition and they put accomodations in place to support me, it's not easy when neuropathic pain when all the other symptoms is your disability, it's tough. Living on my own I need a good support system around me, healthcare professionals who care and will listen and that isn't always the case. I live in England and my healthcare is free.
I'm glad it worked for you,I wish we could all find solutions, but sadly one size doesn't fit all, and some conditions have no cure.
Take care
These are all great things you are doing. Stretches up to 2X daily are also highly recommended. Between PT and yoga there are many stretches to incorporate based on what your body needs. Also, tincture works best to go low and slow with cannibus. With any edible, I will cut them into fourths and/or small to get to the level of pain that's manageable. Don't be discouraged, it takea trial and error with cannibus just like when a doc is attempting to manage pain with different Rx meds. Read up on the strains of cannibus and affects along with CBD.
Tried mild procedure, no impact. Several laminectomies, all worked for a while. They may not have worked in long term because I may have returned to being too active.