Architectural Distortion
Hello Everyone,
I have been getting mammograms since I was 30 due to my grandmother passing away from breast cancer at the age of 35. I had my annual exam earlier this month. They called me back for a diagnostic and ultrasound. Long story short, an architectural distortion was apparent on the screening, diagnostic, and ultrasound. The radiologist showed me the new scan compared to a 2023 scan (I guess I didn't get one in 2024). It was very apparent even to me that the architectural distortion was there. I have a biopsy scheduled for next week. The distortion is in the posterior depth of the left breast's inner central aspect. I guess my question is, is it possible for a radial scar to form so quickly? I have not had any trauma to my breasts, so I am essentially ruling that out. It was just so apparent. I know I shouldn't Google, but has anyone had this show up on the diagnostic and ultrasound and not be cancer? It is consuming me. Thanks.
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The stereotactic biopsy is a lengthy procedure; 30-40 minutes depending on the location & ease of finding the tissue. I was able to sit up, some folks lay down. So in the process of a mammogram (imagine the squeeze) multiple needles are inserted in the breast at the same time. One for anesthetic, one to insert a titanium chip so a surgeon can locate the tumor, one to extract the tissue. The latter two are large needles. It hurt more than anything I’ve experienced except childbirth which I did w/o meds or an epidural. I was sweating and tears streamed. I used deep breathing to stay calm. Two techs held each hand and the radiologist was phenomenal with information & encouragement.
I hope this helps you prepare rather than be afraid. I think my experience is fairly typical.
In response to sjctx, my stereotactic biopsy was nothing like the experience she described. I was numbed with cream before any needles. The doctor carefully explained how she would proceed, and one needle only was inserted. I had no pain. I had my procedure done in Denver at an office run by women for women. I suggest you try to find a place where their focus is on mammograms /breasts. Don't be wigged out, just find the right place! It should not be painful & bringing you to tears. Good luck.
Thank you for your follow up, it made me feel a lot better.
Do not let comments like this scare you. I had 5 biopsies before my surgery and none of them were hellish. In fact, they were quite painless for me. I had made myself so anxious the day of my first one for nothing. If you are nervous, ask for a Klonipin or valium (I did this for open MRI and even that was not bad. The noise can be a bit unnerving). We all have different experiences.
And your other question was can an MRI make a cancer diagnosis. No, only a biopsy.
Thank you! Tomorrow is the day. Then waiting.
Do you know if it will be mammo or MRI guided biopsy? I had 2 stereotactic mammo guided and 1 MRI guided. Literally, the only "pain" was just a super quick poke while deadening the area. After that, I could feel "pressure/tugging", but no discomfort.
For my mammo guided, I was laying face down on a special table that had a hole for your breast to be exposed form underneath. The mammo machine will then be used to hold your breast in place. (It was not quite as uncomfortable as a regular mammo). The nurse will go over whether a marker will be placed. It is very tiny, like a small seed. It will mark the area biopsied.
You will change in a gown. They helped me on and off the table. The tables was warm and cushioned, but still an odd position. My arm was above my head on the affected side and by my side on unaffected side. The nurse will hold and manuever your breast into the mammo machine. She will then wipe clean the area to be biopsied. The Dr then came in and gave me the injection to deaden the area. Literally a second of pain from that. Then Dr will begin biopsy. They will probably take several samples. You can hear noise from the instrument they use. Like I mentioned, you may feel tugging or sensations, but I had no pain. Once Dr was done, the nurse cleaned the area again and l turned me on my back. Heavy pressure was applied to the area to prevent bleeding and seroma (sp). I was given a small pillow to hold against my chest. I wore a tighter bra that day. Some wear a compression bra. I could have went to back to work after, but I had gotten myself into a panic worrying about it (ha!) so went home and returned to work the next day. I was sore for a few days. I wish you the best of luck!
Thank you. I will have an ultrasound guided biopsy. It’s not until 2 o’clock so I took a half day and will not go back to work. They mentioned 48 hours for the results. I am feeling much better about all positive messages about the biopsy.