Anyone have side effects after Lanreotide injection?
I have been doing injection for a year now but as of a few months ago after the injection I am feeling very sluggish, and this would happen before the injection and now it's after. I did tell my doc and now I TAKE octreotide as needed. Anyone else have this?
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Has your hair thinned? Has that been an issue? Thanks!
Yes, I have hair thinning. My curly gray hair measures a few inches below my shoulders. The curls help mask how thin it is. But, I've also been on synthroid/levothyroxine (which also causes hair thinning) for 21 years. My hair used to be too thick to even pull 1/2 of it into a barrette. Now all of it fits easily. so I've lost about half my hair to synthroid.
Since starting Lanreotide 6 months ago, I have seen an increase in hair loss. I warned my hubby that between the 2 meds, I'm going to go bald like him! I don't know where my stress levels would be without God's promises in Revelation 21:4.
But the Lanreotide hasn't caused any loss of energy, nausea, or body aches. I can wear a cute hat or a wig. It doesn't affect how my body feels! I admit though. it does affect how I feel about my body- but then again, so did the breast cancer lumpectomy that left me with a golfer's divot on my right breast! Lol.
Y’all… wigs aren’t so bad! They can be affordable ($40+), current classic & basic styles to choose from. Paula Young Wigs Catalog will help you decide… you choose color from swatch, easy non-human hair wigs easy to maintain, style and never needs a hair-cut! Wearing a wig will save you money at beauty salon, save you time getting dressed, style it to look “natural” so others won’t even notice.
I recall this was a difficult decision for me, but I have never regretted my decision (about 20 years) and loved the change it made in my self-esteem. Best…
Thanks for the info information and Cheers to good health!
I’ve had almost 30 Lanreotide injections and have two side effects…which have dissipated overtime…bump at site of injection and fatigue. The fatigue would last for a day or two but now I hardly notice it. Wishing you a successful journey. Stay positive!
Am I the only one that Lanreotide makes feel horrid? I’m nauseated and constipated with a cramp in my right side that encourages my IBS to act up.
My GERD has gone berserk and scoffs at both famotidine 40 mg and Nexium.
Then there are the migraines - even Ubrelvy can’t conquer them as one headache ends and another begins within minutes. I have insomnia and am sluggish and achy all day.
I also am mightily depressed because I have an active life that I’m viewing from the sidelines.
My oncologist says I can stop these shots after this, my second one, but I need to know how long or if I will feel this way forever. I got the shots in the first place because of the severe flushing, even though no tumors appeared on the scans and my Chromogranin A level was 607. After the first shot my level was 326. My oncologist is “aware” of my situation, according to her nurse but she gave no suggestions to alleviate these reactions so I thought I’d ask y’all for assistance and information.
Hello @dbmenger,
Has your doctor offered you an alternative treatment if you discontinue the Lanreotide? If not, please inquire about an alternative. I look forward to hearing what others have used when Lanreotide has caused side effects.
She thinks we can stop the lanreotide now because she gave it to me only to stop the flushing, which it intensified. Looks as if I’ll just continue being a hot mess but hopefully without all the other side effects. I was curious as to when they’ll stop because feeling this way is not a good thing.
Before I was put on Lanreotide I had no symptoms
Lanreotide gave me such a horrible array of symptoms that after 3 injections I had to stop
I started octreotide had some side effects but nothing like lanreotide
Hello @sophiarose
I appreciate your reply to @dbmenger about your difficulties with Lanreotide and Octreotide. It helps to see that everyone reacts differently to medications.
How are you feeling these days, sophiarose?