Posted by carolynhughes75 @carolynhughes75, 5 days ago

Does anyone suffer from AIDP or acute inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy ? The neuropathy pain from this is horrible. It came on as a post-covid complication. First treated with Mega doses of steroids, Lyrica and prescription vitamins. At my next appointment, I may have to get a lumbar puncture to see if I would qualify for IVIg, immunoglobulin. Has anyone found a successful treatment ?

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Neuropathy Support Group.

Hello, @carolynhughes75

I hope you'll keep us posted as you continue to search for an effective treatment. Yours is not my PN condition, but the more I've learned about PN's almost countless varieties, the more interested I've become in each and every variety. Also, I'm sure there are others who read this forum whose PN is similar to yours and who would benefit from knowing what you learn as time goes by.

My very best wishes,
Ray (@ray666)


Thank you so much. Good luck on your journey.

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