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Advice on pain under ribs right side

Digestive Health | Last Active: 1 day ago | Replies (29)

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@michael1012 and @debrn2005 I don’t drink or smoke either, and only take prescription medications being mindful of their effects on my fatty liver. My fatty liver was discovered on an unrelated ultrasound about twenty years ago. I had absolutely no symptoms and would not have been aware I had one, if it were not discovered on that ultrasound. However, I have been experiencing pain in my upper right quadrant the past few years. CTscan, and ultrasounds over the years have revealed nothing other than the fatty liver which nobody (in medical professions) seemed to be concerned about till my pain got worse and my current physician sent me for another ultrasound recently which showed some scarring of the liver so she sent me to a gastroenterologist for a liver biopsy which I had last week.

Gastroenterologist who did the biopsy is not concerned about the scarring because it is “not bad at all, being at Stage 1” He did not ask for - nor was he interested in seeing - my medications list. All he seemed concerned about was how much pop I was drinking. Kept asking me that, and I kept telling him I only drink pop very occasionally if or when I eat certain foods because that is the only time I enjoy less than a half glass! He finally kept on about carbs and I told him - again and again - that I only eat two slices of whole wheat bread for breakfast and rice for dinner every day. I don’t eat cakes, cookies or other baked goods because I don’t have a sweet tooth. Told me to reduce my carbs and walked out of the room. As he was walking out I mentioned I had an older sister who died of cirrhosis (never touched alcohol, being Muslim), and an older brother who died of pancreatic cancer. He said that’s nothing to worry about!

Since the abdominal CT scan I had about ten years ago showed nothing, I have repeatedly asked for an MRI but no one wants to refer me for one - because nothing showed on the CT scan to warrant one!

In Canada you can’t get any scans or procedures unless approved by a specialist - and only a specialist can order MRIs. No specialist has been interested in ordering one. I have a very caring GP, but she cannot go over the heads of specialists. She has to accept their verdicts, because our government plan will not pay for it if she orders it against opinion of a specialist.

So … I guess I have to live with the pain, the cause of which no one can figure out. 🤷🏼‍♀️

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Replies to "@michael1012 and @debrn2005 I don’t drink or smoke either, and only take prescription medications being mindful..."

That is awful. What is even stranger I had a mricp last april and nowhere did they mention that I had a fatty liver. I would think if I have one now enough to cause me pain I had one back in april

Any evidence of gallstones, elevated liver levels, elevated CA-19 (pancreatic cancer marker)? Given your family history and pain, I would think that would warrant further investigation. Just my opinion.