Kidney disease diets and kidney cleanses

Posted by drcoco @drcoco, Feb 28 9:57pm

I am new to all this; just diagnosed with stage 3 kidney disease about 6 months ago and I am looking for specific diets and foods for kidney disease and also have been reading About kidney cleanses. Does anyone recommend any that are truly legit and good for you? Thanks.

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@drcoco: I’m interested in your diet and nutrition plan to assist your kidney function. Is there a kidney cook book that has been beneficial?
Best health to you… Bette


@drcoco: I’m interested in your diet and nutrition plan to assist your kidney function. Is there a kidney cook book that has been beneficial?
Best health to you… Bette

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I don't have one yet. I am inquiring here for recommendations. I cannot cook well, my husband was the cook. I am a young widow. So I am needing easy recipes, lists of foods that help with kidney disease, I need specifics, and wanting to know about kidney cleanse drops.


I am not a great cook either so have no recipes to share, but can say for sure….water, water, water and low potassium and phosphates. No bananas, melon (except watermelon) potatoes, squash, deli meats. There are several lists online that show all the high potassium and high phosphate foods. Good Luck!


I believe it really depends on what type of kidney disease you have. I was put on a primarily plant based diet with no restrictions on bananas, melon, potatoes or squash. So far it has worked well. My egfr went from 33 to 55 to 59. We will see what happens in a few months when I am tested again. In my own case, I went online and got some vegan recipes and vegan cookbooks. But what works for me may not be what works for you.


Addendum to above post... My nephrologist had me see a renal dietician for several weeks who assisted with the initial shift in my diet.


Whoops... one last comment. It is also my understanding that "kidney cleanses" have little medical support. I would definitely check with your doctor before starting one of those.


I believe it really depends on what type of kidney disease you have. I was put on a primarily plant based diet with no restrictions on bananas, melon, potatoes or squash. So far it has worked well. My egfr went from 33 to 55 to 59. We will see what happens in a few months when I am tested again. In my own case, I went online and got some vegan recipes and vegan cookbooks. But what works for me may not be what works for you.

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There is different KINDS of kidney diseases? I didnt know that. All I drink is water. 1 cup of coffee in the morning & water all day long. I quit dt soft drinks some years ago & started just drinking water all day.
I read fresh fish, which I love & shrimp.
And I read fruits were good.
When I get a job again, hopefully in the next couple of weeks, hopefully it wont take long for insurance & I can get back under a nephrologist care to learn about mine. Ive heard & read you can get better with eating right more than anything. I am praying so.


There is different KINDS of kidney diseases? I didnt know that. All I drink is water. 1 cup of coffee in the morning & water all day long. I quit dt soft drinks some years ago & started just drinking water all day.
I read fresh fish, which I love & shrimp.
And I read fruits were good.
When I get a job again, hopefully in the next couple of weeks, hopefully it wont take long for insurance & I can get back under a nephrologist care to learn about mine. Ive heard & read you can get better with eating right more than anything. I am praying so.

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Water and prayer
I can roll with that!!


@drcoco: I’m interested in your diet and nutrition plan to assist your kidney function. Is there a kidney cook book that has been beneficial?
Best health to you… Bette

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I switched to a plant based diet and found it was helpful with weight loss and helped maintain kidney function for now. There are some free resources on-line and one I follow and have gained so much insight from is the YouTube channel “Plant Based Kidneys” with Michele Crosmer, RD, a renal dietician. She offers many Kidney friendly recipes for free and a lot of great information. I have purchased valuable resources from her as well that have helped tremendously but it isn’t necessary to purchase anything.


I switched to a plant based diet and found it was helpful with weight loss and helped maintain kidney function for now. There are some free resources on-line and one I follow and have gained so much insight from is the YouTube channel “Plant Based Kidneys” with Michele Crosmer, RD, a renal dietician. She offers many Kidney friendly recipes for free and a lot of great information. I have purchased valuable resources from her as well that have helped tremendously but it isn’t necessary to purchase anything.

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@jmr4ever, I also follow “Plant Based Kidneys” with Michele Crosmer. I signed up for and receive periodic newsletters from her that have some great information.

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