Hallux Rigidus & Joint replacement in big toe.

Posted by tennisbum1000 @tennisbum1000, Mar 1 11:08am

I am 76 and a fairly active walker. I have severe arthritis, bone on bone, in big toe joint. Surgical podiatrist recommended joint replacement over fusion. Thoughts/recommendations.

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I had surgery for hallux rigidus at the age of 60. The surgical podiatrist did a cheilectomy and also repositioned the metatarsal bones. I was quite active physically at age 60 and Doc said that I would likely disintegrate any artificial joint and did not recommend that for me. Recovery took a full year but it improved my condition greatly. Every year I would think that some improvements are made in artificial joints, but I am glad that I took his advice back then. We discussed fusion initially but we both decided that we did not want to go that way, at least not then.


How long has it been? When he repositioned the metatarsal bones, did that require hardware/screws, etc? Has the toe/area stayed "straight"? Do you do anything to prevent reoccurrence? Splint? Toe separators? Anatomically shaped forefoot/wide toebox shoes? I have the same issues you had and am leery of the fusion or a replacement, which both require a long, non-weight bearing period. Thanks.

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