Can someone help me about life after AUS 800 implant?

Posted by rodneyverrill @rodneyverrill, May 8, 2024

This is my first question/post so please excuse me as I a new at this. I am 58 and have had an RP in October of 2023. My prostate was 155 grams and since the procedure I have been left essentially incontinent using 7-9 large pads a day. Although this has been difficult, I feel fortunate my psa has fallen to .008, a number my doctor tells me is considered undetected.
I have tried PT with very little results, my surgeon recommended an AUS, so this coming Monday I will have surgery to have this installed. I have read many of the posts within the prostate cancer section, but I am still curious about discomfort after the 5-6 week healing process and "regular activity like swimming, golf, and more strenuous activities like mowing and lifting firewood. I am of course second guessing my decision but would be appreciative of any feedback any of you have.

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Bookmarking this thread, because it looks like I'm having this done next year.
Lots of good notes here. Thankyou for sharing your experiences & tips.


To. fcstar98. I’m 63 and had AUS in 2021 and it will get better. Yes my Dr said ..tug the AUS down occasionally. She had a patient that didn’t tug it down and she had to operate again on him to get it down into scrotum. U will be nervous about squeezing it but it’s no problem after you get use to it. Extra cushions on chairs and get in n out of car slowly. Too much pressure on perineum where cuff is will cause brief pain. It will get better.. just take your time squeezing the pump . Keep us updated.

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Thanks more info on here than the doctor gave,like pulling teeth


Bookmarking this thread, because it looks like I'm having this done next year.
Lots of good notes here. Thankyou for sharing your experiences & tips.

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I am 85 yr old male. I had seeds and external beam radiation in 1999. I have a suprapubic catheter because of urethral strictures. I am now incontinent. I am considering an AUS or an ileal conduit. Please share anything that might help me. Thank you. Michael


I'm 73, have had stage 3 and now 4 metastatic prostate cancer for 10 years. Lost both urinary sphincters from surgery and a cystoscope resulting in complete incontinence. I'm very active and life became almost miserable. I opted for Boston Scientific's AUS 800 two years ago. It's been an absolute life changer for the positive. If you're at that point in your life, my opinion...go for it. I would do it again in a heart beat.

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