Sudden onset of neuropathy

Posted by honghtt @honghtt, Feb 26 11:01pm

Hello everyone,

48 yo, F. About 14 days ago, I suddenly had tingling and numbness on my two feet. Then it quickly moved up to my hands. At night, my feet are burning, and muscles twitching. The numbness and tingling are constant. I couldn't sleep at night! My PCP said that I'm having neuropathy, prescribed me with Amitriptyline and referred me to a specialist. First meeting will be next Tuesday.

I'm totally shocked since this came all of a sudden. I'm not drinking and very active. I had gestational diabetes but my A1C has always been around 5.4-4.6. I had Graves disease which turned into Hypothyroidism after treatment. I'm taking Levothyroxine for the last 20 years and my hormone has always been in the normal range.

I'm totally shocked as this came all of a sudden. Initial bloodwork looks fine. No deficiency in any nutrients. I'm reading all of the stories on Reddit and they gave crazy anxiety. However, given all of the symptoms, I'm 99 percent sure that I'm having neuropathy.

I'm not sure what I'm trying to ask for here. I'll do all of the tests to find out the cause (if any). But I'm so scared, frustrated and sad right now. How can I get back to my feet and move on?


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Feeling exactly like this. Burning , pin and needles all of a sudden. Feet and hands. Worried ans scared


Feeling exactly like this. Burning , pin and needles all of a sudden. Feet and hands. Worried ans scared

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Hi @raisanicole

Have you had a chance to see your PCP? Are you taking any medication at the moment for your symptoms? Mine started 14 days ago all of a sudden and progress so quickly I'm scared. My next appointment is this Tue and I feel like it's forever.

Let me know how things go with you. This makes me feel less alone. Hope you'll find relief soon.



I'm so glad that I could help! Keep plugging! You got this! Also, the amitriptyline helps with the neuropathy as well as the anxiety! You're on the right track! Keep me updated.

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Hi @debrn2005

I was able to sleep a few hours without disturbance last night. However, I was feeling tired during the day and the symptoms are still raging :-(. I listened to a lot of music just to get distracted.

How are you today? It seems like spring is very near where I live. I will try to go and trim the roses in my garden tomorrow. I hope it will distract me from the discomfort/ pain.


Feeling exactly like this. Burning , pin and needles all of a sudden. Feet and hands. Worried ans scared

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I ran across one of my posts from last year that was very similar to yours. Sudden burning, numbness, pins and needles, no pain though. I was contemplating meds…actually tried one, but since that time, the symptoms have decreased. I’m much better with no more burning and greatly reduced numbness. So, so far I am much better. I realize I am fortunate, as many struggle to find relief. I’m not certain what helped me.


I ran across one of my posts from last year that was very similar to yours. Sudden burning, numbness, pins and needles, no pain though. I was contemplating meds…actually tried one, but since that time, the symptoms have decreased. I’m much better with no more burning and greatly reduced numbness. So, so far I am much better. I realize I am fortunate, as many struggle to find relief. I’m not certain what helped me.

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You're lucky indeed. How did it happen, if you don't mind telling me more? Where did you have the symptoms (ie feet, hands, arms, legs)?Did the symptoms persisted for a long time and then just faded away? And what did you do that helped? And if you don't mind, how old were you at the time? I'm asking about your age because my PCP thought that it's hormonal since I'm in perimenopause right now.

I'm glad that you're better now...



You're lucky indeed. How did it happen, if you don't mind telling me more? Where did you have the symptoms (ie feet, hands, arms, legs)?Did the symptoms persisted for a long time and then just faded away? And what did you do that helped? And if you don't mind, how old were you at the time? I'm asking about your age because my PCP thought that it's hormonal since I'm in perimenopause right now.

I'm glad that you're better now...

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Thank you.
(Sorry for the length.)

I wish I knew exactly what caused my symptoms, but I doubt I ever will. I had paresthesia in my feet and nighttime awakening with hands numb most nights. Then intermittent burning skin on my arms and feet. Before that I had body wide fasciculations. An EMG showed no neuropathy, but I’ve read that test doesn’t show PN.

There were several theories of causation….including Vitamin B12 deficiency. My neurologist thought it was the most likely. I began large sublingual doses. It’s important to get labs on it before you take any to get a true value. Too much B6 can also cause symptoms.

Other potential theories were post covid syndrome, of which I was also diagnosed about the same time. I also had smell/taste disorder which all occurred around the same time right after covid. ENT seems to believe time can allow the healing. Part of the smell/taste disorder resolved! I did do scent training that might have helped. I actually took smell taste tests that documents the progress. Some of the taste issue has not resolved. I still have a constant metallic/bitter taste. It’s very distressing. I try to keep hope it will resolve one day.

I also have type 1 diabetes (many years, but mainly well managed) and many with that condition get neuropathy. I worked hard to get my blood sugar much lower after I got those neuropathy symptoms. My last a1c was excellent.

I am post menopausal and don’t think that was a factor. No doctor mentioned it. I also consulted with a rheumatologist and my endocrinologist about it to rule out autoimmune and endocrine disorders. So, not hormonal.

I also had just began fitness journey and lost weight, ate right and engaged in daily exercise.

So….I’m not sure what caused those symptoms or caused the improvement. I hope it continues to improve. I still get intermittent nighttime awakening with numbness in hands, but not often. One or the other. Never both at once. This causes me to suspect a spine issue. But, IDK.

I still have slight foot paresthesia, but it’s so much better. I have full sensation. I hardly think about it now. I still have slight imbalance that I’m working on. I intend to ask my neurologist about spine issue and next steps at my next visit.

I never did have any pain. I hope you can figure out something that helps. I was very scared when mine was so pronounced. I feared it would progress through out my body. I don’t know my future, but for now I’m much better and am encouraged. Best wishes for your recovery.


Hi @raisanicole

Have you had a chance to see your PCP? Are you taking any medication at the moment for your symptoms? Mine started 14 days ago all of a sudden and progress so quickly I'm scared. My next appointment is this Tue and I feel like it's forever.

Let me know how things go with you. This makes me feel less alone. Hope you'll find relief soon.


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Thanks for your reply. PCP appt scheduled for upcoming Tuesday. I will ask for Neurology referral. I know my body and these signals its not ok. I've been also through unexplained pain in arms and legs, plus being tender to touch. I'll keep you posted. I don't want to feel alone either


Thank you.
(Sorry for the length.)

I wish I knew exactly what caused my symptoms, but I doubt I ever will. I had paresthesia in my feet and nighttime awakening with hands numb most nights. Then intermittent burning skin on my arms and feet. Before that I had body wide fasciculations. An EMG showed no neuropathy, but I’ve read that test doesn’t show PN.

There were several theories of causation….including Vitamin B12 deficiency. My neurologist thought it was the most likely. I began large sublingual doses. It’s important to get labs on it before you take any to get a true value. Too much B6 can also cause symptoms.

Other potential theories were post covid syndrome, of which I was also diagnosed about the same time. I also had smell/taste disorder which all occurred around the same time right after covid. ENT seems to believe time can allow the healing. Part of the smell/taste disorder resolved! I did do scent training that might have helped. I actually took smell taste tests that documents the progress. Some of the taste issue has not resolved. I still have a constant metallic/bitter taste. It’s very distressing. I try to keep hope it will resolve one day.

I also have type 1 diabetes (many years, but mainly well managed) and many with that condition get neuropathy. I worked hard to get my blood sugar much lower after I got those neuropathy symptoms. My last a1c was excellent.

I am post menopausal and don’t think that was a factor. No doctor mentioned it. I also consulted with a rheumatologist and my endocrinologist about it to rule out autoimmune and endocrine disorders. So, not hormonal.

I also had just began fitness journey and lost weight, ate right and engaged in daily exercise.

So….I’m not sure what caused those symptoms or caused the improvement. I hope it continues to improve. I still get intermittent nighttime awakening with numbness in hands, but not often. One or the other. Never both at once. This causes me to suspect a spine issue. But, IDK.

I still have slight foot paresthesia, but it’s so much better. I have full sensation. I hardly think about it now. I still have slight imbalance that I’m working on. I intend to ask my neurologist about spine issue and next steps at my next visit.

I never did have any pain. I hope you can figure out something that helps. I was very scared when mine was so pronounced. I feared it would progress through out my body. I don’t know my future, but for now I’m much better and am encouraged. Best wishes for your recovery.

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Hi @celia16

Thank you for sharing your story. Can you please remind me how long it took for your symptoms to go away?Whatever the cause was, it's great that it was self resolved.

My B12 was normal high when tested, but I haven't been tested for B6. I didn't have any recent infection of any kind when this happened. My A1C has always been around 5.4-5.6, and I had gestational diabetes for both of my kids. I also have hypothyroidism as a result of Graves disease treatment 20 years ago. I think those are my risk factors, but not sure which one is the cause.

The diagnosis process is gonna be long, and getting used to my new normal is not fun. At some point, I will have to accept it and move on.


Thanks for your reply. PCP appt scheduled for upcoming Tuesday. I will ask for Neurology referral. I know my body and these signals its not ok. I've been also through unexplained pain in arms and legs, plus being tender to touch. I'll keep you posted. I don't want to feel alone either

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Hi @raisanicole

My symptoms are as below:
- Constant numbness in my toes and fingers
- Tingling and warm patches on my legs and arms
- Burning sensation in my feet, up to my ankles/ knees. It's worse at night. I'm taking Amitriptyline 10mg to help with my anxiety and the burn. I also use Lidocaine lotion and it does help reduce the burn
- Muscles twitching at night

Symptoms are symmetrical.

I was very active. I biked, walked, did yoga and lifted weights. These days I can only walk since my feet are so sensitive. I do have health anxiety.

Are you experiencing the same?


Hi @celia16

Thank you for sharing your story. Can you please remind me how long it took for your symptoms to go away?Whatever the cause was, it's great that it was self resolved.

My B12 was normal high when tested, but I haven't been tested for B6. I didn't have any recent infection of any kind when this happened. My A1C has always been around 5.4-5.6, and I had gestational diabetes for both of my kids. I also have hypothyroidism as a result of Graves disease treatment 20 years ago. I think those are my risk factors, but not sure which one is the cause.

The diagnosis process is gonna be long, and getting used to my new normal is not fun. At some point, I will have to accept it and move on.

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It seems many people don’t get the answer why they have the neuropathy. It’s just unknown. And, the treatments are mainly to address the pain. That’s why I feel fortunate to have several things that could have caused mine. At least I could address it.

It’s been about 17 months since I had Covid. About 9 months since Vitamin B12 mega doses per my neurologist, And, 6 months since a1c lowered substantially. I have felt the improvement gradually over the last 5 months. I have no idea if it will continue to improve or return.

Best wishes to you on your quest.

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