Surgery for recurrent diverticulitis
I'm having recurring diverticulitis.
First episode in May 2023. Treated with Metronidalzol and Cephalexin. Went away. No issues.
REturned in September 2024, hospitalized with absesses. IV antibiotics in hospital 24 hours and then oral antibiotics Augmentin) at home.
In December returned. No absesses. Treated with oral antibiotics (Augmentinn) at home.
In January returned. No absesses. Very mild pain. Treated with oral antibiotics at home. Presently still some odd feelings.-tightness.
I didn't have severe pain with any episode. I was tender to touch and had CT scan each time. I have been dieting and feel constipation has caused the diverticulitis episodes. Trying to figure out magic formula eating enough fiber so I don't become constipated.
I was referred to surgeon. He wants to surgically remove my entire Sigmoid Colon!
Has anyone had their Sigmoid Colon removed? Has anyone been treated with antibiotics for recurring episodes?
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Mine was supposed to be robotic and they ended up cutting me from belly button down to complete the surgery. (Longer time in surgery)
They had to call in a urologist to make sure that was okay.
He said it was one of the worse cases due to scaring from episodes. He described it like this "imagine making mac and cheese and freezing it. Then taking it out and trying to separate the cheese from the macaroni!
I stayed in the hospital for 2 nights. I was on ketamine and had them stop the morning after surgery. I started eating and walking the halls immediately.
The recover is slow and long. But, worth it. So many changes happen (even mentally) and there is no manual.
Almost at my 1 year make and not one episode and normal BM's!!! My only issue is getting full quick. But, that is ok.
That is encouraging to hear. I have several BM’s each day, especially after eating. At this point I don’t really want to go out for any long periods of time unless I know there’s a clean, private bathroom nearby!
I have noticed I get full quickly and I’m quite uncomfortable if I eat too much. Do you just eat smaller meals more often?
Thank you for sharing your experience. Being only 1 month out I’m not sure what to expect. But if I never have another episode I’ll accept and adjust to the rest of it. The last year was brutal.
I had recurrent diverticulitis going back to when I was 20 years old. I was never hospitalized, but treated with antibiotics. In 1997, I had a lower GI done and it revealed that scar tissue had built up in my sigmoid colon. The surgeon recommended surgery to remove the scarred portion.
I had the surgery. The surgeon removed 20 centimeters of my colon and buttoned me back up. I was in the hospital for six days, with 2 months of recovery.
This was back in 1998. I have not had any trouble with diverticulitis since. I do have a 12 inch scar that runs down my abdomen.
I’ve had attacks. Though the doctors say it’s not caused by eating popcorn, seeds or nuts I can attest to the fact that it has caused my attacks. Regardless of what they say I avoid those foods. I’ve had a number of colonoscopies and do have pouches in my colon. I could have the surgery but at 74 I don’t think I want to take the risk.
I had 12 inches of my sigmoid colon removed due to diverticulitis, and it was the best thing I ever did! I didn't realize how uncomfortable I was until it was gone. Recovery isn't fun for a few days, but it's not too bad.
Yes, I was the same on not wanting to go out because of the several BM''s! The Dr. said everything is readjusting in that area and it would get better.
I would say give it time. I did make sure and wear pads. (just in case) because there will be time where you may "go" and not realize it.
Not sue with your case but living for many years with "IBS" was difficult enough trying to get out of the house in the morning and surviving on Pepto to stop yourself to get to work.
In the last year I may have used MiraLAX 10 times. But, it is a miracle for me just having normal BM's in the morning and done for the day!
Except the fullness.... Do not overeat. (Which for us is really not overeating) If you do it will feel like, and you will need to go again and you will. Get a pottie squatty! Best thing ever!!
Make sure you eat small meals and make either you breakfast or lunch the main meal.
You will learn what to choose.
Make sure you get all your proteins, fruits and vegetables every day and drink a lot. My cocktail was no sugar white grape juice, Gatorade, mineral water, vitamin water, and coconut water. (my other complaint in those first mths was I was tired all the time.
After about 4-5 mths remove the Gatorade and vitamin water.
Also, exercise every day. Does not matter what kind just move!
Make a cut off time for food. I do not eat after 6 or 7 at night and if I do feel uncomfortable, I drink a hot cup of Camomile and peppermint tea.
Ask me any questions you have, and I will try and help. Everyone is different
What does an episode feel like and where is pain? I do have diverticulosis. I get this lower left front pain. I tested positive for UTI w blood ( frequent pee urges and burning pee or cant pee. Took antiobiotic. Urine test now clear with blood. Lower front left still was painful. Given2nd antiobiotic last dosage last night. I still have lower left front pain. Feels like sitting on something painful. It occurred to me yesterday I might be having diverticulitis attack. In reading there is close association between UTI and diverticulitis attack. Went to clear liquids yesterday. No other symptoms….just painful left front feeling like sitting on something painful or pain is radiating from bladder. Now I know the colon can be resting up against my bladder. So what does your pain feel like and where is your pain. I am using my hyoscyamine, baclofen, and Tylenol to treat.
Every episode was not just pain in lower left side. (sigmoid colon)
It was also painful multiple BM's with blood sometimes. Fever, chills, cramping etc.
I'm 73 and just cancelled surgery. I had a bad reaction to Cipro, it hit my patellar tendon and hands, basically couldn't function. I'm underweight and on steroids so my doctors decided it was too risky.
Sorry to hear that.
I'm on Cipro and Flagl right now Side effects are scarey. I'm on hold for surgery. Good luck