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What you want to be is successful with your weening, and so I highly recommend NOT doing anything until you inform your doctor. Then, yes, if everyone is on the same page, do NOT rush this process. I was on 75 for over 20 years and then 37.5 for a year and a half for weening. Take your time. Open the capsules. Meditate and learn mindfulness. Get enough sleep and ban stress from your life. You definitely Italy can do this. It has been done. The trick is do NOT rush. But also, that’s what worked for me. Don’t get discouraged if your doctor recommends Zoloft or Prozac as a bridge. Read these posts. Some people do better with a bridge. Lastly, I’m glad you got yourself counseling. I hope they are good! But just remember to go easy on yourself. You’re smart and know your body. I have a good feeling about you!

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Replies to "What you want to be is successful with your weening, and so I highly recommend NOT..."

Thanks so much for the encouragement and support. I’ll be journaling my process so maybe I can help others after this journey! 💕

Are you still on 37.5mg? If your planning to come off completely please go much slower. Often it is more important to go even slower at the end especially when you have taken it for so long. Never cut x mg from start to finish. When lowering that way your percentage of titration varies considerably. SLOW AND CONSISTENT is always best. I’m not talking slow here, I’m talking VERY SLOW, SLLLOOOOOOWWWWW.
It may be a pain to go so slow but believe me the the reward couldn’t be greater! Usually withdrawal symptom free.
Remember, SLOW