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Interesting because I have experienced the same thing at times - what felt like tremors, but only in my upper body. It has only happened to me while laying down on my back and while sleeping on my back. Once I woke up and started to move around, it stopped. Scary because I didn't know what was going on and thought maybe my heart was racing, but when I felt my pulse, it seemed normal. I have described the same way as you, feeling like my insides were shivering. I also had (and still have) cervical spine issues including a large disc herniation at C5-6, cord compression, and smaller herniations and stenosis at other levels.

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Replies to "Interesting because I have experienced the same thing at times - what felt like tremors, but..."

Yes it has been a worry for me too. Extremely uncomfortable after a walk. Suddenly while stretching in bed I would get stabbing pain and spasm that comes suddenly. I don’t feel anything else like this. Now I am less mobile as a result and have sorted out the bed problem.
So I use a mobility scooter now as well as a walker. It is my saving grace. It is helpful to know various other people’s experiences or similar feelings. I think in my spine at T-12 L-1 it is a problem with a disc fragment pressing near my spinal cord.