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@karen10225 Hi Karen, back when my MAC was at its worst, I was coughing almost 24/7 and you are correct, it was totally exhausting. I eventually figured out that if I did my last airway clearance of the day just before bedtime, I could get about 4 hours of solid, restful sleep. Then I figured out if I woke up coughing in the night or early AM, it was helpful to get up and do what you might call a "mini" session - get a drink of warm water, do a few rounds of huff coughing and get a bunch of stuff out - then I could fall asleep for a few more hours.
Another thing that helped was sleeping elevated on pillows. What was least helpful was to lay in bed coughing, because it just didn't effectively bring up mucus.

Now, several years past the severe coughing stage, I still have nights or days when my cough threatens to ruin sleep or an activity. I grab the Aerobika and do a mini-session and seem to calm things down.

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Replies to "@karen10225 Hi Karen, back when my MAC was at its worst, I was coughing almost 24/7..."

I, too, find that if I start coughing during the night or first thing in the morning, it's best to get up and do some clearing. Also, for those spells that come at times during the day (just before bed is a frequent one), I've recently found that adding the Aerobika with long breath-holds helps get things up and out, with the least amount of fuss. We all find the ways that work best for us.

This is a great help, Sue. Thanks a bunch. I do my last rounds of Aerobika shortly before bed. I still cough up quite a bit first thing in the morning, but not being wakened during the night. You are a trouper!!!