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Neuropathy pills: How to avoid scams?

Neuropathy | Last Active: 1 day ago | Replies (732)

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Has anyone tried Arialief for neuropathy and what were the results. I have had neuropathy for five years and now I have severe numbness and tingling in my hands and feet and I am unable to walk without a walker. So far there is nothing, from what I can see, that actually helps this condition. I am not dealing with the pain anymore but this condition is mentally, physically and emotionally troubling! I saw this pill advertised on Facebook and I refuse to fall for all the scams that are out there taking advantage of all our sufferings. I hope I can hear back from some of you regarding this. Thanks

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Replies to "Has anyone tried Arialief for neuropathy and what were the results. I have had neuropathy for..."

You could try taking alpha lipoic acid, it's a supplement that my doctor suggested I add to my ever growing list of supplements and prescription drugs(I'm currently taking 12), and it seems to have helped, a little. But I'll take anything I can get at this point.

Hi @tessie63, You will notice that we moved your post into an existing discussion where all of these "miracle" cure neuropathy pills are being discussed. You might want to click the link below to take you to the top of the discussion:
-- Neuropathy pills: How to avoid scams?
One thing I observed which always raises a red flag for me that it's all marketing hype is that when you do a search on the product, there are multiple different sites that claim to be the "official product website".

I would just stick with reliable information on different treatments, therapies and supplements that have shown to help neuropathy. You can find more information on them on the Foundation for Peripheral Neuropathy site here - https://www.foundationforpn.org/therapies/.

I moved quickly from feeling like I was walking on rocks, to balance problems, to tingling feet and numbness in both feet and above the ankle on the left. I was told by a neurologist and a podiatrist, that that there was nothing to be done for numbness. And, I have read that in every forum. I’ve never had any pain but the ‘rocks’ feeling. Supplements are Vitamin B 12, lopoic acid, B-complex, and magnesium. Haven’t been on any of them for more than 2 months.
From very shaky with a cane to a rolling walker. Left foot much more numb. Getting upstairs at night is still so scary, I use a stair cane now that rest on two steps at a time. Still need help. Dread going up. This Tuesday, I am getting my stairs measured for a chair lift. They are not as expensive as I thought. Cheaper than attempting a shower in our small powder room. Use a shower chair that I can sit on and lift my legs and slide over under the showerhead. My feet are too heavy to lift.
Stay in here and read. This is the best place for the best information and advice. Good luck. 🍀
I go from feeling hopeful, to angry, to sadness. It is an emotional roller coaster.
The advertisements? The very minute you use your search engine and type in neuropathy, 💥 you will see so many ads or testimonials for what ‘really works’. NOTHING that these snake oil people are pushing works. I actually call them that and shame them for taking money from desperate people. Mostly I just hit the delete button.
Only thing keeping me going, other than my husband a a few close friends that call often, is my recumbent bike, my foot massager and my portable elliptical. Massage the feet and ankles nightly. I use any lotion with mint in it, Bengay or Vicks vaporub. I watched videos and try to
do a vigorous massage.