PSA went from 3.9 in November to 4.3 yesterday
I am 54 and have been having urgency issues off and on for a few years, and occasional trouble emptying, but no problems during the night.
I am seeing my urologist in a week. My physical prostate exam was normal.
My insurance deductible is $7800, but obviously I don't want to ignore cancer.
What do you think the wisest next step would be? Biopsy? I understand the MRI scan isn't more than 75% accurate?
I guess I am just scared and confused by all the contradictory information...For example, in 2016 a study showed the survival rate was 10 years regardless of steps taken. There was a Washington Post article on that.
I recently entered the happiest relationship of my life and we are having so much fun like honeymooners, and I'm terrified I'll get something unnecessary done that will mess that up.
Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Prostate Cancer Support Group.
If someone had BPH that could happen.. Usually, they get treated with anabiotic’s, and it takes the PSA back down again. Well, at least that’s not treatment for prostate cancer.
Focal therapies may not qualify as common yet, but they are rapidly gaining favor for those who qualify. They offer much less risk of interfering with “honeymoon” activities! I did Tulsa Pro in July and had sex 1 week later. If yeoldfoggy does have cancer, he should at least investigate focal therapies.
So my urologist didn't know about the new PSE test. He was recommending the ExoDX test.
I was a bit taken back that he didn't know about the PSE.
I am debating between the two. I probably will, if I can, get the PSE before my next PSA test in three months.
Peace of mind is important to me these days.
My cousin has prostate cancer but it still doesn't show up on an MRI, for example.
Also, I am allergic to lidocaine so apparently I can't do the in-office prostate biopsy.
ExoDX is a urine test used to determine the aggressiveness of cancer.
PSE is fairly new and attentive to the genes that determine whether or not you even have cancer, whether or not you even need a biopsy. Hoping you don't.
Just a heads up fogey, you are allergic to the SULFITE preservative in the lidocaine containing epinephrine.
Epi is used to produce a deeper and longer numbness; but it requires a preservative because it spoils quickly. But they also make lidocaine WITHOUT Epi, which works just as well. I used it for many years in dentistry for patients who also thought they were allergic to lidocaine. Best
In 2005, my PSA went from 3 to 4, my PCP said get a biopsy. It was positive. Jesus healed me using doctors and robotic surgery. 19 years later i’m still cancer free, PTL!
Phil, I didn't realize that longer acting lidocaine contained sulfite. This is very helpful.
The epi in EpiSwitch is short for epigenitic. The reagents are added to the serum draw in the lab to detect gene markers for prostate cancer.
Yeah, the sulfite is there only to stop the epinephrine from breaking down; the lidocaine itself is pretty stable.
I treated a woman who had 12 crowns (caps) in her mouth. Her dentist had retired and she came to me because she had broken a tooth.
When I told her she needed a crown she started to cry. She said she just couldn’t go thru that pain again! What pain? I asked, since we always gave lidocaine whenever drilling was necessary. “But I’m allergic to it!” She yelled…and then it hit me: her idiot of a dentist NEVER knew that the “allergy” was a reaction to the sulfite additive, not the lidocaine itself.
I told her I would give her lidocaine that would not make her ill.
When I explained this to her she was elated, but her mood quickly turned dark…”That sonofabitch did all these crowns with nothing!! I screamed the whole effing time!!!”
True story… he had the biggest practice on the entire North Fork of Long Island and didn’t know diddly squat…
A lesson to be learned for all men visiting prostate “specialists” of any kind!