Anyone have experience with spinal decompression
I have tried just about everything with constant back pain from spinal stenosis. A spinal decompression machine is designed to
stretch and lengthen the spine, reversing the effects of natural aging and spine compression. Has anyone tried this and what are results?
I am doing this at a medical facility under direction of a doctor and a physical therapist on a commercial machine. Theory is this non-invasive, non-surgical pain relief therapy gently separates discs, creating negative pressure, which draws in water, oxygen, and nutrients.
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I have spinal,stenosis and now canal stenosis. This pain is horrible. Extreme pain all the time. They had me do therapy, but didn’t help. They want to do surgery, but I don’t want it. I have heard good stories and bad ones from surgery. Any helpful ideas to,try and help me.
I'm glad the decompression worked for him. But, I'll bet that insurance did not cover it, and it cost an arm and a leg. Most reviews of these types of things advise staying far away. Guess he was lucky.
Probably would not help. Try folic acid and good physical therapy.
What is a spinal roto rooter? Is that a spinal cord stimulator?
I have had 13 treatments of spinal Decompression. Feels good when undergoing treatments but no improvement. May work for some but not for me.
I agree. I have had 14 of these treatments. Feels good at the time but next day back pain is just as bad or worse. I signed up for 16 treatments on a contract that costs me total of $2,642. That was a big mistake. Be careful. This seems to work for some but don't go signing for expensive contracts till you can be sure it works.
I agree that everyone respinds to surgeon's techniques and procedures differently. I'm fortunate that the decompression I had to literally shave bone to allow the nerve to flow through the lamina at L4/L5. This took away 50% of my pain and my drop foot disappeared regaining strength in my left leg and foot. UPMC agreed to perfom the same exact proceedure however, I went with the Laser Spine Institute who is no longer in practice. It definitely helped me however, my spine is degenerative and mechanical so I must be extremely careful with lifting and movement. Years and years of physical therapy, weight loss, lifestyle change and yoga have helped maintain my chronic pain. It's inevitable that I will need another surgery since the decompression was like a tuneup that helped without fusion and/or lamina removal, rods/pins.
No. The roto rooter procedure cleans out around the spinal canal.
A spinal cord stimulator is a long wire implanted upward in the lumbar spine to send impulses through.
You are lucky. I recently had a laminectomy and discetomy in October with my neuro surgeon. I was doing better with the cronic back pain, but within the last 2 weeks, I've developed numbness and tingling in both legs that is annoying. I work with a pain specialist, and he has tried 10 different small procedures to lessen my cronic back pain. This all started 10 years ago when I had a spinal fusion at L5/S1. It's is downhill after then. My last try was a spinal stimulator which I had high hopes. Unfortunately, that didn't help. I have been on Norco from my pain specialist for five years to get me to function, since I live alone. I still have limits to what I can do, like take long walks. I use to like traveling, but can no longer go on long trips.
My primary doctor said to lose 20 pounds, do yoga, and go for short walks. He gave me Wegovey to help me lose weight since I have difficult dieting. We'll see what happens. I like your post because it sounds like my primary's advise.
Linda, I'm Jonathan. I highly recommend a dietitian and/or personal trainer. Been through everything you mentioned except fusion. I also highly recommend obtaining a medical Marijuana card. I highly recommend 1:20 THC/CBD for pain. I found, in Ohio, a brand called UBGood for the highest concentration CBD. I get my card renewal via Compassionate Cleveland and see a psychologist for my prescriber. You do what works for you no matter what! We are pur own advocates and what works for me may not work for somepne else. I do have a lot of experience with my back issues and only being 44 years of age.