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Replies to "I'm just wondering what you would consider to be "useful medical advice." The standard of care..."
'Useful to the individual' is how I'd define it.
I can relate to your initial confusion and a personality conflict with your first rheumatologist. Mine diagnosed me with lupus right off the bat and was upset when I asked questions, finally writing in his chart (he left open on his desk for me to see) that I was "hysterical." (I swear I was calm and sought only to learn his reasoning.) I sought a second opinion and that rheumatologist thought it acted like PMR, responded like PMR, and eventually said there was no doubt about the diagnosis. I don't recall how fast she tapered Prednisone but it apparently was too fast because I came down with the symptoms the following year. I believe I was on the drug for just 1-1/2 years. She said this may never recur, or may show up in say, 10 years--no telling. The name is really just a description of its symptoms in Latin and that little was known about it.
I’m so glad to hear that you’ve had a positive experience for the most part with your health care.