← Return to Inconsiderate, intimidating neighbors cause depression and anxiety?

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Depression & anxiety are unique to every individual as are the triggers. Are you in therapy for these issues? I ask because I had to learn that the triggers will always be there, somehow and someway, but it is up to me if and how I respond. My button cant get pushed if I have dealt with my button. So if you are prone to depression, anxiety and maybe issues of control and powerlessness, this cause very well trigger it. I assume you have talked to them. If there is a property manager- I guess you have already spoken to them. Have you considered calling law enforcement? Creepy neighbors are the worst and I am sorry you are going through this.

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Replies to "Depression & anxiety are unique to every individual as are the triggers. Are you in therapy..."

Thank you for your concern. This was an awful experience but I am fine. now that it is over. Within a few weeks I'll be back to normal.

If there's anything good to come out of it now I have more life experience and feel more capable of dealing with difficult situations. I can also help others in similar situations. I will be posting very soon with a big announcement.

Your post is spot on about knowing our triggers vulnerabilities etc.