I had a right hemicholectomy 1 year ago.
I am just curious how other people are doing at or beyond the one year mark of a right hemicholectomy? My procedure was done due to “flat polyps” that could not be removed via typical cholonoscopy. The biopsies were benign.
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Did you retain your ileocecal valve or was it removed? It makes a difference in ongoing intestinal function.
I had a left hemicolectomy about 18 years ago due to repeated diverticulitis. I still have diverticulosis pouches but have not had any further diverticulitis episodes. I do have other "gut" problems, i.e. microscopic colitis, IBS type symptoms, some food sensitivities, etc. I think I was fortunate to have a really good surgeon and did not even take anything for pain except Tylenol during my recovery. Have you had any problems up to this point?
I’m embarrassed to say that I am not sure if the iliocecal value was removed or not. I can contact the surgeons to find out if you think that’s a good idea.