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Hi Marilyn,
You make a lot of sense in what you say about keeping active! I don't do any fast walking but I do take heavy garbage down to the dumpster, clean the house, work in my flower gardens and prune shrubs etc. I noticed it makes a difference. I saw my doctor 2 weeks ago and he said I was so healthy that he didn't need to see me again for a year!

I'm so sorry about your husband dying. But wasn't it nice that you had 62 years together! And, I'm sure you know that he's up in Heaven with God and Jesus and the two of you will be together again eventually. My husband of 30 years died last July. You are right. It is difficult but knowing that he is also in Heaven and we'll eventually be together helps.

I want to stay in my home also. It's home and I have everything the way I want it. My husband was very talented in fixing and creating things in our home. He redid the outside steps so they were an easier height for us as we aged and it does make a difference. He re-wired parts of the house to save money, fixed anything that broke, framed in all our new windows etc. I don't want to give all that up for a small apartment.

You are doing great at 90! I'm 78 and hope I do as well as you when I'm 90.
I wish you the best.

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Replies to "Hi Marilyn, You make a lot of sense in what you say about keeping active! I..."

Thank you for your good wishes. I wish the same for you. Again, I believe that if you keep moving, you keep living.