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How do I find a Dr to listen. I had the ACDF surgery twice. First C5-6 was fused in 06 then on Aug 19 24 I had the second one. Not two weeks after I carried in a large comforter from car to house and not 30 minutes later I knew something was wrong. It has been horrible I have been falling asleep when I get up during the night to go to bathroom and fall off toilet 5 times and twice off kitchen chairs. I hit hard after falling off toilet this last time and hit the wall as I ducked my head down as I hit and I hit it right in the back of neck where cervical and thoracic meet. I haven’t been the same since. I had tremor/ vibrations before surgery and now I am having them again.C5-C6 and 6-7 are where surgery was. Last MRI showed the C6-7 foramina has moderate stenosis and before surgery it was severe. The MRI right after carrying comforter in showed Mild Stenosis, so it has gotten worse. I keep telling them and they keep acting like it’s nothing or giving me some medical term like it’s normal. Last week I had tremors so bad I couldn’t breathe. I am on oxygen and had to put it on and pulse ox was low and it wasn’t helping so I did an aerosol treatment with no help. It wasn’t helping very scary. I have no life! I can’t read a book or magazine I can’t crochet or work on diamond art no hobby’s without the screaming in my head and shaking starting. Idk if anyone else had all the noise in your head or ears ? I feel like it’s affecting my thyroid function. I was hypo for years but due to having Hashimoto and getting Botox for the pain in my neck my thyroid went hyper. It’s been awful. Now that I’m hypo again i can feel thyroid acting up and it is telling my brain or something it wants food all the time. I did read where C7 can affect thyroid since they are so close together. If I don’t eat the noise in my head gets worse and shaking as well till I do go out and eat. No Drs around here have heard of it and look at me like I’m nuts! I’m not I know what I feel and it’s been 3 long years. I can’t stand it. When I had surgery in Aug I was not given any restrictions nor put in a neck brace. When I said no restrictions he said absolutely not you can go back to your routine. In 06 my Dr had me in a neck brace for 6 weeks and took X-ray and said it wasn’t fusing so I had to stay in it another 6 weeks night and day plus I had restrictions. I figured since that was almost 20 years ago that something had changed and he said we don’t do neck braces anymore. I even explained I was in one for 12 weeks but it didn’t matter. All I want is this to stop and someone listen it’s been awful all the eating and shaking. It’s like I’m sleep walking and doing some crazy stuff in my sleep which I never done before. I’ve wrote enough or I would tell some of the stuff I’ve done. I’m wondering if anyone is from Ohio? I pray everyone is doing good now. I just want to find a Dr who will listen and I’ve been to so many I’m tied of looking for one. I am set to have Ablation in April. My neurologist did listen some cause I told him my legs are now swelling and I already done a blood flow test and came back ok so he said it has to be nerve related! Finally! It’s crazy what our spine can do to us that’s all I can say!

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Replies to "How do I find a Dr to listen. I had the ACDF surgery twice. First C5-6..."

@aokuley WElcome to Connect. Are you able to get another opinion with a spine specialist somewhere else that isn't connected to your present doctor? With the fall you had, you could have shifted or cracked something, and perhaps it was missed. Another set of trained eyes may help. I'm also wondering if physical therapy may help if there isn't further damage, but muscle spasms that shift vertebrae and cause pain. Those can last months.