Gaba Lyrica Addiction
I saw my neurologist yesterday. We discussed how it's getting harder and harder for me to get my medicine because the governor put gabapentin and lyrica on the 'controlled substance' list. She said they were both put on the list because a couple of people with neuropathy took gabapentin and said it 'made them high'. I asked her if it is possible to get high and get addicted to gabapentin. She said: "No. Our bodies get used to narcotics, we have to take more and more to get the same results. Our bodies don't get used to gabapentin/lyrica, the medicines keep on working just as well as they did in the beginning but neuropathy gets progressively worse and that's why we have to take more." I think I see the difference ... I think. Peggy
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Yes, i have taken 100mg for 3 years of lirica, the N gets worse every year. I do also take a CBD pill one hour before going to sleep which makes going to sleep each night, and its legal. Rob
I have severe, painful neuropathy in both feet, ankle, shins and lower leg and moving around kneed. I have carpal tunnel syndrome, but the doctor say I have neuropathy beginning in my hands too, I take Lyrica, tramadol, and several vitamin supplements. I either had move to stronger narcotics or find something new. All of my doctors either suggested or agreed that should use medical marijuana in addition to current meds. At this point, I do not want to risk the insurance and driving downfalls--mj shows for over a week and no indication of how much and foot numbness and weakness prevents me from field sobriety. I would also have give up ownership of my firearms and any in my home as well as forfeit my license to carry firearm.--Plus the expense. So I am using CBD oil and it gets me through times when other meds are waring off or insufficient. I vape first thing in the morning because it act quickly and always use sublingually 3 time per day for more serious pain, then I use cbd oil and hand cream every evening or other cbd products to cover large areas. It is very expensive for what relief it gives me, but so is Lyrica.
Heaven's, what governor puts medications on a controlled substance list? I thought that list was created and supervised by the DEA. Gabapentin and Lyrica, and all of the other drugs created primarily to control convulsions, are not opioids, or addictive at all.
I am dependent on Gabapentin, and cannot discontinue this class of drug suddenly because that would cause serious problems. Just as with corticosteroids and several other drugs (most antidepressants) you must taper gradually in order to stop taking them.
I take 4200 mg of Gabapentin a DAY, and have for almost 4 years. My prescription company is a major mail order provider, CVSCareMark, and mails a three-month supply of 8 x 90 (that's 720!) 600 mg tablets to me 4 times year. No way is Gabapentin a controlled substance. NO controlled substance is ever dispensed by mail order.
Regards, ElaineD
I've been on Gabapentin for years. Started at 100mg per day now I take 3200 mg a day. I tried tapering off a year ago. I dropped 100mg a day for 2 weeks then another 100 for 2 weeks etc. I got down 800mg per day and started having horrible withdrawals, headaches and twice as much pain from the neuropathy. So slowly I started adding them back managed to stay at 3200 from 3600 per day. I tried a 90 day treatment with RSO/Rick Simpson OIL. It seems to be helping many cancer patients, epileptic, people with ME and ALS however it didn't help me in anyway. I vape oil before bed because it helps me sleep through the pain. I was taking 4 2mg dilaudid but constipation is so bad I dropped 2 and just suffer with the pain because the constipation is so bad I have 60 days at home using all these different laxatives, if that doesn't work I have to go to long term care. They have wanted me in care for 2 years, i guess I'm going to loose my fight because this newest laxative is not working at all and I'm taking it as well as lactulose. Still no luck. Good luck. Pray that they find a good drug for neuropathy pain. Gabapentin is for seizures but is the only thing that helps. It is very addicting but ive never gotten high. Maybe you have to take the whole until I was in the middle of it I did not realize how terrible diseases of the nerves are. There is no real tests to confirm and no medication for the pain and no professional can understand the pain unless the have the disease. I believe mine is chronic Lyme but doctor's have identified it as a rare disease called Parsonage Turner Syndrome.
That's interesting ! What state are you in? I'm in Delaware and Virginia, I've gotten Gaba filled in both states - Walmart Pharmacists in both states told me it's controlled and they interrogate me like they think I'm a criminal. They can see on their computer everything I've ever had filled -- one of them freaked out because a doctor ordered 2 vicodin tablets a year ago for me to take pre-procedure (large needles jammed into my knee). She said "We think you're taking them all at the same time, you can't take vicodin with gabapentin, and you can't get them filled at the same time". If I stop taking Gaba, unmedicated neuropathy will make my feet, legs, hands and arms feel like they are on fire. The pain is not withdrawal from Gaba, it's from neuropathy. If I take Lyrica instead of Gaba, I have no pain. Lyrica makes me sleepy so I prefer Gaba for daytime. PS I went to Walgreen Pharmacy and they just filled my rx for Gaba, Lyrica too, they did not hassle me at all. Peggy
Hi. I learned that fresh papaya normalizes the stomach. You will not be constipated or have the runs. Eat a serving daily, and see what happens. Maybe two servings. Be sure to eat it regularly. It may take a few weeks before you see you have a normal stomach again. Long story about papaya, but it saved my mom. Also, I have two moderately priced CBD products that I swear by. One is a salve rubbed into the feet, and the other is drops for under the tongue. My toe pain is so severe at times....and parts of feet. Anyway, illness is horrid. God bless. Lori Renee
I have taking lyrica for 2 yrs. I take 200 mg during the day and 300 mg. At night. I fill my scripts at CVS and noone has ever said a thing to me. They do ask for your license and I am fine with that. I remember researching lyrics on the Internet when it was first prescribed and one of the reviews simply said " good luck trying to get off of them". I was taken back by that but on the other hand I will not suffer pain if it can be helped.
I would love to hear more about the CBD Products you mentioned. My neuropathy pain has started to increase a lot at night along with a new symptom of itching. Nothing seems to help much.