What's your experience with Orgovyx (relugolix)?

Posted by web265 @web265, Jun 7, 2022

Mods, if you think this redundant, please move or remove. I thought it might be helpful to have an orgovyx thread similar to the lupron thread...

Hello all, I've been reading a lot on this board, posting a little, since my discovery about a year ago.

PSA 11 at discovery 13 just prior to RP, Gleason 4/3, 8 of 12 cores, RP in Sept of 2001.
Margins clean, right pelvic lymph removed & tested clean, minimal invasion in blood vessels and nerve tissue.
PSA 3 mos later <.2
PSA 3 mos later 0.039
PSA 3 mos later 0.091 off to the radiation oncologist.

PSMA PET CT showed nothing.

Orgovyx prescribed and just had my markers inserted and starting radiation in about a week (40 sessions)
My Orgovyx experience so far...about 10 days in...
No particular weakness or fatigue so far, but, hot flashes and "restless leg" at night which is really hurting my ability to sleep.
I work out four days a week and run 2 miles a day after workout. I haven't noticed any weakness yet, seem pretty much the same.

Has anyone discovered any supplements or come across any research as to the restless leg issues and hot flashes? or more to the point, any way to minimize/mitigate? I'll of course talk to the docs on this but I'm looking for something natural, I'd prefer not to get into the "swallow the spider to catch the fly" medicinally.

I've also been taking it at 9am(ish), anyone notice any difference taking it at different times of the day?

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I have been taking Orgovyx pill form for 4 months and a week. I started the Orgovyx three weeks before the 45 radiation treatments. I have lots of hot blocks, not flashes as they last 5 to 10 minutes. I am forever tired and have gained 30 lbs witch no one said anything about and I break down crying at any little thing, I never exercised before but my job I walked about 3 miles a day. I go back to work on 3/10/25, I'm hoping that will change this tired, sweaty cry baby back to form. I hadn't cried since I can't remember the last time I cried before this happened. I sounds like exercise is the key thx ragbrai50.

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I would also like to add that I'm experiencing lots of muscle cramps in the upper stomach and they seem to be more frequent and move from 1 muscle to the next. More noticeable the last 3 weeks. I suppose this is also Orgovyx related and I hope it gets better cause doc wants me to do 24 months of Orgovyx and I'm 3 weeks into the 4th month.


Thanks for the reply. I would really appreciate your workout routine.
Email paul.gray307@gmail.com

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