Unbearable Neuropathy

Posted by louise@lou @suzed, May 27, 2023

The peripheral neuropathy which is largely on bottom of foot is extremely hard to walk on with the inflamed pain. Pregabalin doesn't help, nor lidocaine patches. And since I'm walking abnormally, foot is ruined even further.
I find myself unable to do simple tasks with the chronic pain of PN. I suggested to my pain specialist seeing a neurologist, but he informed me we have to get the pain under control first. That hasn't HAPPENED. At a loss what to do.

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Neuropathy Support Group.

The only thing that has helped me with relief from PN (after years of trying this and that,) is THC cream on my feet! I rub it on morning and night.
Big difference!
Good luck!


I have terrible Peripheral Neuropathy that is spreadig throiughout my body. I am am 80 year old Vietnam Veteran ahd have tried nearly everything. I am highhly alergic to most meds and opiataes to just keep looking and praying each and every day for help/relief. I do. use Sombra each morning and night which gives some relief. The price is reasonable and you can get it on Amazone. Semper Fi.


I have terrible Peripheral Neuropathy that is spreadig throiughout my body. I am am 80 year old Vietnam Veteran ahd have tried nearly everything. I am highhly alergic to most meds and opiataes to just keep looking and praying each and every day for help/relief. I do. use Sombra each morning and night which gives some relief. The price is reasonable and you can get it on Amazone. Semper Fi.

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First, THANK YOU for your service. You who have served especially during the Vietnam years deserve way more appreciation, respect, and even (especially) compensation for all that you gave and now are bearing.
I don't know if your PN was found to be attributed to your military service (and that wasn't the question [I digress]) but that would be something I'd research first, as you may qualify for treatment at no cost to you through the V.A.
Non-medicinal things that have worked for me to one degree or another over my 25 years with PN are Watkins Pain Relieving Liniment Spray (no kidding), Salonpas 4, Red Laser Class 4, BEMER (these last two through my physical therapist), very supportive shoes that are a bit too big, and occupational therapy. I have used a cane, (and sometimes a walker in the house) for about 3 years. It seems to take forever to find the combinations that work at any given time. I found that as things change, it is helpful to try what has worked for others that you read about in Connect. Thankfully I have no medicinal allergies so I am able to combine those with some of what I listed above, especially the BEMER. I'm 77 and female.
I pray you are able to find some answers as you continue to inquire and research about this painful disease.
Again, thank you for your service.


Thanks for the nice response Barb. Yes, I have worked with the VA and on 60% diability but they and all my other doctors (13) to be exact have not been able to find anything yet!!?? I am hoping that once big Phara is pursued and the barriers broken down we will finally ALL get some answers and help. The Salampor patches made me break out. The best thing I have found is Sombra and I use it night and day to help ease the pain some and I have tne grouding shoes and the Noon foot massage I am trying. I also hope to try massage and infared sauna soon. Thanks again and Semper Fi.


I have terrible Peripheral Neuropathy that is spreadig throiughout my body. I am am 80 year old Vietnam Veteran ahd have tried nearly everything. I am highhly alergic to most meds and opiataes to just keep looking and praying each and every day for help/relief. I do. use Sombra each morning and night which gives some relief. The price is reasonable and you can get it on Amazone. Semper Fi.

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A new NON-OPIOID pain medicine was approved by the FDA last month. The name is Suzetrigine by Vertex pharmaceuticals . It will be in pharmacies sometimes in March. It will also have a Savings Card that Medicare patients can use which is not common. Also, ask your doctor about Cymbalta. It has good data behind it. It has an FDA indication for neuropathic pain. Also, you can speak to a Pain Medicine physician about what they can do for you like a Spinal Cord Stimulator. Hopefully you will ultimately get some relief!


Thanks for your reply. Yes, I have been made aware of this through the Internet and working on it. I am trying some new things now and will keep people apraised who might be interested. Currently on the Noon foot electrical unit but feet are so numb the highest setting is barely working but will keep it up!! Semper Fi.


I have been on Cymbalta for several years and it seemed to work pretty good until I broke my femur and had to have a knee replacement at same time. Now the neuropathy has gotten very bad. I feel like I am getting worse by the day! Does CBD work? My friend wants me to try this.

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