← Return to My Bone Marrow Transplant (BMT/SCT) story: Will you share yours?

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Hi all,
I have been reading many posts and am grateful again for this forum. Last week I joined the City of Hope portal they just established for bone marrow patients, past and present. I will log in there a few times a week.
Here i know the community shares to learn and to get information. How else would i have watched the minions for one hour as i received the melphalan and needed frozen popsicles and ice in my mouth to prevent mouth sores. Keep my mind on something else. That is how Lori came into my floor 6 room to help me walk through a procedure. I did not end up with any mouth sores. Nothing.
My 1 -year BMB is in early April. On May 2nd, City of Hope has their annual Bone Marrow Transplant Reunion. This year i get to attend!!! March 7th another blood test to see if my CMV blood number is stable along with all the other counts.

I continue to drink my water, eat good food daily, some chocolate yes, and walk and walk. Sleep i get about 6-7 hours daily. I do feel rested. I went to my 6 month follow up for my breast cancer Doctor, and she said everything looks great. I am very tight in my left pectoral muscle though and if i want to see a PT she can schedule it. I told her i will work on it. I know that was my 1st side for surgery and i have had other stiff type effects i have worked through. I started stretches a neighbor suggested. I have checked u-tube too.
Thank you all for sharing your journey and all it entails.

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Replies to "Hi all, I have been reading many posts and am grateful again for this forum. Last..."

Hey Kat!! You’ll be a great asset to the COH community with your positive experience with your transplant. It’s all about paying it forward…! Just think, last year at this time you were still trying to get things wrangled into place to be able to go forward with the transplant and now you’re in the position to be a lifeline for others. I feel like a proud momma bear. 😅 You were a rock star from the beginning.

Curious to see if you’ve ever considered a seeing a massage therapist with your stiff pec muscles. I felt the final piece in my healing post chemo for AML and the transplant was a visit to my massage therapist. I’d had a froze shoulder that miraculously disappeared along with other lingering ‘toxic feelings’ over that 2 year period post transplant. Having that massage, lymph drainage was a game changer for me. Just a thought… In fact, I saw her today after a 4 month absence. Right now I feel like a bowl of comfortable mush. 😂
We just returned from FL back to Wisconsin with a great weather window for the 3 day road trip. No issues! Now I’m scrambling to get caught up on missing Connect for several days. I also missed blood work for the past couple of months so I’d better get that appointment set up! Happy to see you’re continuing to do Fab-U-lous Dahling!! 🥰