Who cleans your house?

Posted by Kathy @tcokeefe, Feb 21 8:13am

Wondering how many of you in your late 70s or 80s still clean your own home?

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I find as I age that dust and dirt do not bother me as much as before. I used to be fastidious in my cleaning overdoing everything. Now, I am not bothered at all with the thought that I have not vacuumed my couch or dusted things up high on shelves. I do have someone come in for two hours every month. I live in an apartment. I do vacuum in between times and do a little touch up here and there. I have learned that I do not die from dust. I will die from something else that I cannot control.


Hi Kathy,
I'm 77 and clean my own home. I do the laundry, sweep and scrub the floors, wash the windows, cook for myself and friends on occasion, dust, vacuum etc. I also do the yard work and take the garbage out. I consider all of this as part of my daily exercise. I have friends and family to help with whatever I can't manage. My balance isn't very good, so I tend to stay away from anything that requires a ladder. I'm thankful I can still manage this, but am considering hiring a gardener.


I think you meant this reply for someone else, but I think it’s totally cool that you have animals that need hooves trimmed, my childhood dream was having a horse. My mom was a farm girl, rode her horse to school, the horse would walk home 😊

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That's is cool . Lol the horse would walk back home.


I don't. I have better things I want to use my time for. I have a wonderful cleaner who comes every two weeks. I relish coming home to a clean house and I am happy to pay him fo the comfort and ease that he provides.


I don't. I have better things I want to use my time for. I have a wonderful cleaner who comes every two weeks. I relish coming home to a clean house and I am happy to pay him fo the comfort and ease that he provides.

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@sstopalian I too get pleasure coming home to a clean house and feel it’s worth the expense! Our cleaning team bring their own cleaning supplies too.


I use to have the shiniest floors in the neighborhood and must say that I enjoy living in a really clean home. However, since this imbalance thing happened, I find that my swiffer is my favorite tool (I use both the wet and dry cloths). We have hardwood floors in most room except bedroom and the swiffer does a great job getting dog hair (labradoodle so it's like angora!) out from that space. I find using a swiffer much easier than dragging out the vacuum and leaning over for long periods of time. I do the dishes, both hand wash and fill and empty our dishwasher, clean the toilet bowls, (but I can no long get in a crouching position to clean the low exterior bowl), make dinner once or twice a week. I am blessed to have a 30 yr. partner who loves to cook. He thinks nothing of spending time on the weekend (as he still works full time) making some dish that he is craving. I think its funny that when we would shop at the mall he would make a beeline to Pottery Barn or Crate and Barrel to find the newest kitchen gadget, etc. Gotta love him! Anyway, I am 76 yrs. old. We have cathedral ceilings in some rooms and ceiling fans in some rooms - the accumulating dust got to me so I got a long handled gadget that slips over each blade cleaning it nicely. I use to love to garden - thinking nothing of spending hours either planting, feeding or weeding but I can't bend over like that anymore so now I limit myself to window boxes planted in the spring on a waist high table, and then Dave carries them to the windows. I don't know....I think at some point I am going to need to have help in the coming years. I don't know at this point if the peripheral neuropathy of the feet and legs will move up to my arms, but I am not sure who I would want to come into my home. My surroundings are very important to me. I love to bring in fresh flowers, candles, etc. and create a nice environment for myself, Dave and our dog, Carly. We will see. Hats off to the person a few posts above, who does all of the yardwork, etc., etc. I would encourage anyone with balance issues to stay off of ladders and even step stools. Just want to preserve our independence!


I have help. I'm 85. I do laundry, cooking, shopping, menus and all cleaning between the every other week visit of the housekeeper. She is a gem and would be very hard to replace. Sometimes she comes in extra to help out if I'm ill or injured. She has worked for me for eight years. In addition I have a handyman who comes occasionally to take care of plumbing, appliance, or home maintenance tasks that are beyond me abilities. I no longer go up of a ladder or even the first step of a step stool.


I am 90 years old. I am in good health and able to live independently. However I feel at my age I can afford to give myself a break on cleaning the house. So I have a housekeeper come in every 3 weeks to do a thorough cleaning. I do everything else myself.


I use to have the shiniest floors in the neighborhood and must say that I enjoy living in a really clean home. However, since this imbalance thing happened, I find that my swiffer is my favorite tool (I use both the wet and dry cloths). We have hardwood floors in most room except bedroom and the swiffer does a great job getting dog hair (labradoodle so it's like angora!) out from that space. I find using a swiffer much easier than dragging out the vacuum and leaning over for long periods of time. I do the dishes, both hand wash and fill and empty our dishwasher, clean the toilet bowls, (but I can no long get in a crouching position to clean the low exterior bowl), make dinner once or twice a week. I am blessed to have a 30 yr. partner who loves to cook. He thinks nothing of spending time on the weekend (as he still works full time) making some dish that he is craving. I think its funny that when we would shop at the mall he would make a beeline to Pottery Barn or Crate and Barrel to find the newest kitchen gadget, etc. Gotta love him! Anyway, I am 76 yrs. old. We have cathedral ceilings in some rooms and ceiling fans in some rooms - the accumulating dust got to me so I got a long handled gadget that slips over each blade cleaning it nicely. I use to love to garden - thinking nothing of spending hours either planting, feeding or weeding but I can't bend over like that anymore so now I limit myself to window boxes planted in the spring on a waist high table, and then Dave carries them to the windows. I don't know....I think at some point I am going to need to have help in the coming years. I don't know at this point if the peripheral neuropathy of the feet and legs will move up to my arms, but I am not sure who I would want to come into my home. My surroundings are very important to me. I love to bring in fresh flowers, candles, etc. and create a nice environment for myself, Dave and our dog, Carly. We will see. Hats off to the person a few posts above, who does all of the yardwork, etc., etc. I would encourage anyone with balance issues to stay off of ladders and even step stools. Just want to preserve our independence!

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I have a Labradoodle too. I understand the “angora.”😊I will have to try a swiffer!

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