Stoma reversal time line

Posted by sacul2 @sacul2, 4 days ago

Is there anybody out there that actually had a good or easy stoma reversal? All I see are horror stories that three months later major problems. Six months a year later etc. etc. I was led to believe that 2 to 4 weeks a could have a burger and a beer with normal bowel movements. No creams or potions or adult diapers.

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Hi @sacul2, I had a temporary stoma reversed over thirty years ago with no problems. Sounds like there are a lot of horror stories out there. Let mine stand as a counter to them. Good luck and feel good, Dave


Hi @sacul2, I had a temporary stoma reversed over thirty years ago with no problems. Sounds like there are a lot of horror stories out there. Let mine stand as a counter to them. Good luck and feel good, Dave

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Thanks for info. Have colonoscopy tomorrow. Surgery mid-March

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