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Thankyou Jake. It's been getting worse all day. Sick as dog. Went out to my shop to work on my semi in hopes I was getting better since going back on the effexor. Not so tired, depressed and sick. Could it be the side effects of going back on effexor? I know I wany life back. This is been a rollercoaster ride.

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Replies to "Thankyou Jake. It's been getting worse all day. Sick as dog. Went out to my shop..."

I hear you and I understand. Wanna know what I did today? I am fortunate enough to be able to work from home a couple days per week and I moved my desk straight in front of a window. Sunshine! Exercise! Eat minimal sugars and get decent rest. Depression and anxiety are real, but keep up the good fight. Incidentally, since it seems you don’t mind getting your hands dirty, dig in some soil. With your hands! I remember reading somewhere that there’s mood lifting qualities in touching dirt! Ha! But look, I hope knowing you’re not alone helps if only just a little. Yesterday was a bad day. I could cry if the wind blew. Today was pretty good, but I still broke down. Hoping for a better tomorrow. For us both!

(I am not allowed to post urls, sorry. Please google soil and depression)

This is just one article of many about the Seratonin releasing qualities of soil. Sounds perfect for farm boy 🙂

Oh, and I forgot, meditation. Be it true meditation or merely saying prayers while digging in soil. Try this for at least 20 minutes per day, everyday. It changes your brain chemistry and truly helps.

Effexor can cause drowsiness but if your taking other medication for pain, sleep, muscle relaxants, allergies, seizures etc, they can intensify the sedative effect. Also, Effexor can raise blood pressure as can coffee so you may want to keep an eye on that.