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i get much the same as you do from my family. Knowing I have a torn right rotator cuff that cannot be fixed for 15 years now, my daughter asked me to rub a pain rub on her shoulder after she worked out too hard. She did not offer to do that for me, I have to do it for myself, nor did she ask how much it hurt for me to do that for her. Because I've had fibromyalgia for 45 years now but we have to keep moving on family just thinks we exagerate our pain when we do say something or like you when I don't want to go out in the rrain and cold.

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I cancel a lot if it rains or gets too cold. In winter I don’t make many plans vs spring/summer. I think the biggest thing is we can’t plan anything…it’s a day to day operation as to how we feel and whether or not we feel up to going out. And a lot of times I end up having to cancel plans and I know ppl get upset and I can understand the disappointment but they have to be understanding to.

I know what torn rotator cuffs are like, 13 years waiting for a resolution. Many times I was told it can't be fixed with many excuses until one bright cookie told me he could fix it. Excuses like the tendons have shrunk and we can't pull them back to fix it, BS, he did it and tied it all up with surgical polyproline, showed us the pictures, very impressive seeing this blue string holding it all together. I came too after the surgery I got up and drove home feeling no pain and with no painkillers much to their disbelief. It has taken around 18 months to get back to normal where it is no longer a problem using the shoulder unless I totally abuse it.
I always treat people they way they treat me, what they give me is what they get back in return, some times in spades just to let them know I can be just as thoughtless.