Anyone tried using red light therapy?

Posted by domokane @domokane, Jul 29, 2023

There seems to be some evidence that photobiomodulation - heating the skin via infra red light - has some benefits for stimulating nerve re growth. There are lots of devices available on Amazon as well as lots of seemingly expensive treatments provided by chiropractors.

I would be interested to know of any personal experience with such devices and any possible recommendations.

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I'll just throw in my 2c here, I've been struggling with backpain for the last 8 years and constantly using pain meds and warm therapy to ease the pain. I decided to try red light therapy and its been great, but do get ones that have a near infrared component as it goes deeper into the skin.

I decided to purchase a panel and its been working wonders for me

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Brand name please. Will insurance cover?


Brand names please. Does insurance cover?


Brand names please. Does insurance cover?

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No insurance covers RLT. The only FDA APPROVED RLT is from


I recently bought a unit on amazon, today was the 3rd day that I used it. I did not notice any improvement with my leg pain so far.


I purchased a red light therapy device online for about $150 six months ago. I was disappointed. It did not alter the gradual numbing of my feet.

I then went into hyper-mode & researched infrared light and the different manufacturers. I found there to be a huge difference as to quality of the machines based on U. S. versus imported manufacturers. I then wrote down the company name and model number of the machine used my physical therapist & purchased identical machine (even tho I am not a medical provider, I happened to find one online). So I am in week 3 of using it. There is no doubt …. absolutely no doubt … that it has helped the arthritis in my wrist. I can use my hand for the first time in 5 months. In regard to my neuropathy, the jury is still out. My neuropathy has stopped progressing in the past weeks but I am a rather jaded personality. I don’t know if that assessment is wishful thinking or truly positive results. I believe that I will know for certain in another month. I hope this helps.

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I'm interested in knowing the company and model of the machine you purchased. Also, this is 18 months later. Has it continued to help and in what ways?


I've been doing red/infra redlight therapy 15 minutes a day for the past four weeks. So far, I haven't seen any positive effects.

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I'm only 2 weeks in with a Novaalab pad 30 min a day. Little or no help so far. I'm going to give it a couple more weeks.


I’m not sure red light therapy helps either. I’m on my fourth week. I’m also using a TENS unit. It may take months to see significant results.


I have been using Healthlight red light for 5 years for peripheral neuropathy. It was expensive but is medical grade and made in the USA. It has helped the pain in my feet but the numbness only a little. I use it everyday for 15 minutes. I chose this type because of good reviews and any relief is worth it for this terrible condition that we suffer from.

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I searched the internet for red light therapy. Is this the medical company that you bought the device from: I have foot neuropathy from lower lumbar spinal surgery. The numbness in my feet has recently gotten worse. Soon I will have to stop driving. Patricia


No insurance covers RLT. The only FDA APPROVED RLT is from

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I looked at Platinumtherapy Lights site, but did not find a device to use with feet. Did you send the company a message for information on devices that could be used on feet?


Red light therapy is an alternative to other modalities that do not work well.
The Veterinary Industry uses this on animals after a surgical event and closure for the most part.
It is assumed to increase external healing, but penetration into mass tissue may not show the results desired.
The effects using red light therapy under the dermis layer of skin has not been substantiated to date.
Controlled studies need to be made in order to evaluate this modality and that can take years.

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