Leg Weakness! And how to recover? And success with movement

Posted by bennettrory @bennettrory, Feb 5 8:16am

Hello Everyone! Wishing everyone the best are struggling with Neuropathy! So I had lower back injury back in 2018. It pinched something in my lower back. It gave me numbness and weakness in my legs. I spent 3 years in a room because I couldn't understand how to gain the strength back in my legs. I finally left room and slowly gained strength back! It took months. And I lived with what I had for years. And I was grateful! Now I recently pushed my body to the point where I Overexerterd myself. I also feel I pinched whatever is wrong in lower back. So I layed in bed for a few weeks to recover. Which now I am having as much difficulty standing and walking as I had all those years ago. When I was in that room. I feel I am trying to give time for whatever is wrong in back to heal. But at the same time. I losing the strength in my legs. What I have started is. Getting up every 30 mins. Walk/stand for 5. Everyday is difficult because it's not consistent. Some days are better then others. If I push my limits to much I lose the ability to stand or even walk at all. It's frustrating. I have been here before. My body is telling me to rest. I am just sacred if I continue to lie in bed, it's going to make matters worse. Lesson learned. Listen to your limitations. Know what your body can and can't do! I recently researched Vitamins and supplements to take. Help heal nerves. If anyone has been here or has any advice. I'd deeply appreciate it.

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I have neuropathy & have poor balance leg weakness. I have improved my balance & leg weakness by 30 to 40 minutes 4 times a week in my Nordic treadmill, with San IFIT app. Three days a week I do a full body workout @ Planet Fitness. Before I started this schedule I was falling a lot. Since I’ve been doing these exercise regiments for over a Year, I have not fallen and have had been tripped up and have been able to recover without falling.

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FRANK! That's inspiring! Really haply for you man! Thank you for responding to this post! I was walking for a few years so I know i am gonna recover. Just takes so long after you injury yourself again. Lesson learned. Listen to your limitations and treat your body with respect. I wish you more and more recovery and keep up the awesome job! Appreciate you


Welcome @howiewine, Movement definitely is medicine! There certainly are days when I don't want to move much but after I get going I feel much better. I try to spend 45 to 60 minutes a day on my elliptical cross trainer and rowing machine. Also, try to do 10 to 15 minutes walking in place on a high density foam block for balance, but I do have to use trekking poles so I don't fall 🙂

How about you? What's your favorite medicine for movement?

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I know I've become a broken record quoting from Twyla Tharp's book "Keep It Moving," but at the risk of quoting her once again, here goes:

"With the time you've got, choose to make your life bigger. Opt for expression over observation, action instead of passivity, risk over safety, the unknown over the familiar. Be deliberate, act with itention. Chase the sublime and the absurd. Make each day one where you emerge, unlock, excite and discover. Find new, reconsider old, become limber, stretch, lean, move … "

Honest to god, taped to my MacBook Pro, I have Tharp's words: EMERGE, UNLOCK, EXCITE, DISCOVER. Seeing and considering those words each morning as I slowly wake up and am still feeling vulnerable, those four words help me find each new day's wherewithal.

Cheers to us all!
Ray (@ray666)


I have neuropathy & have poor balance leg weakness. I have improved my balance & leg weakness by 30 to 40 minutes 4 times a week in my Nordic treadmill, with San IFIT app. Three days a week I do a full body workout @ Planet Fitness. Before I started this schedule I was falling a lot. Since I’ve been doing these exercise regiments for over a Year, I have not fallen and have had been tripped up and have been able to recover without falling.

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Hello, @frankmoore

Way to go, Frank! You're an inspiration to us all. Your post has me thinking it's time to turn off this laptop and exercise. Thank you, Frank, for your post! I wish you continued success!

Ray (@ray777)


I will post here and a moderator can move it if need be.
Briefly, I moved very quickly from using a cane, still wobbly, as the left foot doesn’t always feel like I am standing on a firm surface. Scary. I have no pain. Just numbness, much worse in the left foot.
I started using a rolling walker with a seat. I don’t want to sit on it. I put a tray in the seat and a little box, and I can get my own coffee and bring it out to the living room. My God. It’s the little things. Just being able to do a few things and not trying to carry with one hand and the cane in the other. Much less scary, more efficient, and it is exercise. I do walk quite a bit with the walker just doing stuff.
I use my recumbent bike, and a really good foot massager. I have not experimented with all the settings. Also, I use a portable elliptical while seated. Every night when I get to bed, I do a thorough massage of both feet with a lotion with menthol and again with Bengay. Also bend toes slowly back, then forward several times. A bit uncomfortable the first few nights. My toes felt really bad. Much better now with doing the toe bends.
I have started slowly rearranging downstairs for better flow. I started using a rolling office chair to box and to sort what I really need. I sweep the floors and use a stick vacuum. I also roll into my bird room ( dining room) to clean my 3 bird cages. And, I can roll into the laundry room. You actually get a bit of a leg workout using your feet to move where you need to be. No kicking off and gliding; walking with your feet while sitting, but just for those chores. Mostly, I am using my walker. You need to be getting up and down regularly , using those leg muscles. Need to keep both legs strong and get them stronger.
I do have strong pulses in my feet, so I want the blood to flow. My feet ‘feel’ a bit stronger. Right foot is stronger anyway. I can still drive. Just have to practice getting out of the car and using the walker.
Keep moving. I am taking supplements and I have no idea if they are going to help or to at least not let the numbness advance. No prescriptions. I still cry for a minute or two every day, and then tell myself I do not have pain. So, buckle up, I can do this.
This support group helps me so much more than my primary, the neurologist and the podiatrist. All 3 Debbie Downers. My husband is adjusting. He was angry at me. I have made both our lives so different and difficult, but we are learning this new routine. Praying for all to find some comfort here and something that makes your life a bit easier.
God Bless.


Sorry to hear that your husband is angry with you. My partner of 30 yrs, David, also has health challenges - specifically heart. He had a heart attack several yrs. ago in his 50's and the surgeon came out to talk to me and said that if we had waited 30 mins. more at home, he wouldn't be alive. I am not trying to outdo him but I strongly feel that the medical profession has made many more inroads regarding the heart vs. PN. I think until more dollars are spent on research, this will not change. In the meantime, I would hope that your husband understands that you did nothing to get this condition and "yes" changes will have to be made to perhaps your home and routine, but wasn't there something about "in sickness and health". Just saying, please talk to him and perhaps bring him along on your next neurology or podiatry visit. I don't know much but I do know that ignorance is not bliss! Good luck!

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