Collagen supplements and Breast Cancer
I contacted a nutritionist regarding information on staying healthy after a breast cancer diagnosis. One of the recommended supplements is a collagen supplement drink in the morning.
I actually took this for a week but recently learned that it may promote breast cancer in dense breasts and facilitate a route for metastatic breast cancer.
Any information out there from our oncologists ?
If anyone can recommend an oncology nutritionist in the NYC metro area please personal message me . Thank you.
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I am also on Anastrozole and using collagen. Just to make sure it was ok to take both, I checked with my Dr and was told it was ok.
I hear you, I’m not either. I drank mine yesterday morning figuring once a week is hopefully okay. I’ll keep it at that until I hear otherwise from my oncologist later this month.
Here are some studies I found.
Collagen XIII:
Collagen I:
Collagen III:
I was thinking of reducing it from daily to once a week as well. I just got whole tub of it....My oncologist gave no advice and stated it was inconclusive.
saw my oncologist yesterday. She advised skipping collagen supplements. She did say the science wasn’t definitive either way but didn’t think it was with the risk. emphasized getting adequate protein/ nutrition.
Yesterday I saw my oncologist and brought up collagen. She was not familiar with any controversy surrounding BC and collagen. She advised against daily intake, but said consuming it once or twice a week would be fine.
I started on Tamoxifen and sent a list of supplements which included my Vital Protein Collagen peptides to my oncologist who sent it to the pharmacy to make sure it doesn't interfere with the Tamoxifen and they were all fine with it. I take it daily in my coffee 2 teaspoons.
Thank you for posting links to research! I will add to this discussion my experience. Sixteen years after my first diagnosis of stage 1 BC, lumpectomy, partial radiation and 5 years of tomixifen IT has returned. This diagnosis is also stage one but with more aggressive properties. Coincidentally, two years ago I started each day (for roughly 16 months) with a smoothie infused with a collagen supplement. And I do (did) have dense breast. I’d say to all BC patients, don’t take it!
Oh Holly, I am so sorry to hear that IT came back! What is the pathology of it? Is it a new primary and in the same area?
When you were taking the collagen, did you find it helpful at all? I have been willing to try anything for relief and marketers don't even think about the long term affects of people. I lived in Switzerland for five years and they monitor all vitamins and supplements. They are all sold in pharmacies and have to be bought from a trained pharmacist. Here in the states, one can buy anything off the shelf.
Good morning Princess - The BC pathology is Invasive , Micropapillary, Lymphatic and Dermal Invasion, Nottingham grade 2, ER-positive. Waiting on the Onco test to determine if chemo and/or radiation are of value and very concerned about the reported alter ozone side effects. Collagen?- We (my husband and I) saw NO value or discernible improvements in my bodies over those 16 months, but we did spend a lot more on the breakfast bill! The collagen is NOT worth the risk.