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I was (and to some extent, still am) very emotional--teary, easily frustrated, had difficulty keeping my mind on what I wanted to think about and not on what I didn't want to think about and very prone to sudden rages (from irritated to homicidal maniac in the blink of an eye). I also had akathisia (inability to remain still, needing to pace or rock to soothe myself). All of this is much better now that I am nine months out from when the withdrawal symptoms hit mid-June.

What helped (besides supplements and the occasional Valium)--
Avoid frenetic, or over-stimulating tv shows/movies; don't listen to atonal, off-key, or minor key music (woo, did this set me off); and find distraction in reading, working, hobbies, etc. Try to be with other people--go out to dinner, play cards/board games, find a walking buddy to go around the block, etc. Also, very important--get some natural light (I don't mean sunbathe); you need daylight reaching your eyes to lift your mood.

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Replies to "@farmboy I was (and to some extent, still am) very emotional--teary, easily frustrated, had difficulty keeping..."

Thank you for your reply. I will try these things. I been asking alot of questions and always get a reply. I wish I had a way to return the help.

Did you have trouble sleeping when going through withdrawals. I have literally only slept maybe 6 hours in the last 3 days.