i too have extreme fatigue . finished 6 month chemo , mastectomy , 3 weeks radiation in june last year . got covid in dec had antivirals recovered well . but if any activity one day would have to rest the next . could spend all day in bed but don't wish to get worse . sooo tired all the time . only way is to have coffee which before i could not tolerate . feel like getting more tired over time . but i'm in my 60 s so that may be reason also . on exemestane daily. but just over feeling so tired . But any exercise i do after i feel such a huge boost of well-being like my body is saying yes i need this .
i think all your personal challenges and grief would play a big part in your exhaustion too.
i feel all you can do is take one day a time, indulge yourself ! your body has been thru a lot and mental stress is terrible . try go outside each day even for a short walk .it will make a difference get a pet . a little kitten or something for company. what you are experiencing is normal ! you've been thru the wringer !
try find a good tv series to watch, something to look forward to , a book , play some music . if you can try find a Tai Chi course be perfect , it's gentle exercise .
and don't expect too much of your body, rest and heal at your pace . you deserve every indulgence at this time , it's your time to heal .
all the best !!
Thank you.
So much for telling me all this. I keep thinking
There's something else really wrong. I do have a cat thank the lord She's my saving grace. I feel for anyone that takes the AI's. My cancer was e r / p r positive her2- Stage 0. The doctor told me that It was up to me if I wanted to do the AI. Because of my other health issues He
Only suggested tamoxifen. I.
Tried it for 3 wks It was too debilitating. The thing is my fatigue was getting better Then my surgeon decided.I needed a colonoscopy in december. I did not want to do it.I wanted to wait but he said no. So since the colonoscopy the fatigue has been brutal again. The prep was brutal. I am 66. I think it's harder because we're older. I wish you well. 💗