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Replies to "Here's the link to a Washington Post article on a new anti-depressant; the article just came..."

O.K. thank you. I will check that out.

I just got done reading the article and that sounds very hopeful. Thank you for sharing that with me. It is something that I'm going to ask the Dr. about. With it being such a new med I wonder how insurance companies will look at it and with it being new the cost if insurance companies won't pay.

Interesting. It isn't really new but it's slightly different than the IV drip. Technically insurance could cover ketamine now - it's covered as an anesthetic for surgery.

I don't know about other places but the only way to get this is in Chicagoland is to pay at least $500/visit at a private 'ketamine clinic'. Also you have to have a ride home who knows you (sadly a barrier for me even if I was wealthy).

I'm interested to see how people handle gaps in treatment and the remission rates. It's kind if a big pain in the butt to get it since it requires so many treatment visits.

Thank you for the link. The article is very telling. I can see why we are all getting different information from doctors regarding the horrible side effects of withdrawal.
The other links at the bottom of the article were also good.
A read for everyone!
Ronnie (GRANDMAr)