Sharp stabbing pain in my big toe.
Usually it's an early morning occurrence and has been going on for couple months but lately the pain is excruciating. The pain is in the big toe of my right foot. Sometimes it can be in the big toe of my left foot but not nearly as bad. The pain can be described as if someone stabbed my toe with an ice pick or hit it with a hammer. Sometimes it extends to the middle toes of the right foot and extend midway toward the ankle. It will last for minutes at a time. The pain goes away if I get up and walk around. I've tried Valtoren, lidocaine ointments and Icy-Hot and maybe get some relied temporarily. Went to a specialist when pain first started and x-rays showed arthritis in almost all the joints and no remedy. Most recent blood work done for a wellness visit was pretty normal, nothing stood out for being too low or high. What questions should I ask the next specialist I go to. Thanks
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No remedy?! How is that possible? You should be able to get shots to help alleviate the pain. Maybe get other opinions. Topicals rarely help with this thing. I know because I had exactly the same thing last year. Red hot toe in the morning. Topical Diclofenac Na was the only topical that helped(a little). I won't say what developed later on. My situation is different tha yours. I had bad, preexisting lower back pain from a ski fall.
Hi @lene1355, I would like to add my welcome to Connect along with @heisenberg34 and others. Your symptoms with the sharp pain in the big toe sounds eerily similar to the last time I had gout in my foot. I also had a sharp stabbing pain in the big toe. It's been quite a few years but it might be worth checking out with a specialist. Here's some related information:
-- What’s Causing a Sharp Pain in My Big Toe?
Here are some comments in other discussions members have made on stabbing pain in the big toe -
Sounds like you have gout. I had to endure it 3 times before my doctor prescribed some meds that stopped it. Get a uric acid blood test done, gout is caused by too much of it in the bloodstream. I took colcichine for a few years to prevent it, along with allopurinal to keep my uric acid levels normal.
I'm only taking the allopurinal now, the other med was very expensive and I had to get it from a pharmacy up in Canada to keep the costs down.
Gout is one of the most painful things I've had to experience, so I'm happy that the meds are working.
Have you been to a podiatrist and neurologist or endocrinologist? Have you been tested for diabetes or prediabetes? Have you had blood work for neuropathy and a skin punch biopsy for small fiber neuropathy? I had my neuropathy start as pins and needles in my feet plus burning. My big toe would also hurt like yours and the pain would travel in my feet.
Have you been tested for gout?
did you find any relief from the pain?
Hi, yes. I started taking alpha Lipoic acid and acetylene l carnitine plus magnesium, vitamin d and vitamin b12. This helped with my small fiber neuropathy pain. I was diagnosed with iron deficiency and started iron supplements plus had a d&c due to heavy blood loss with monthly cycles (also don’t each much meat and mostly vegetarian). At one time I also started taking Cymbalta/duloxetine which can help with nerve pain (plus arthritis/depression/fibromyalgia). Topical capsaicin and other nerve pain creams helped some, too.
Hi everyone, I have type 2 diabetes and some peripheral nerve pain in my feet and legs. I started having sharp pain in my big toe as well as not being able to bend it. I went to my orthopedist who determined it was not gout, but hallux rigidus, or stiff big toe. Only treatment seems to be a very painful steroid shot in the joint, which does seem to last a while, but for me, the pain and stiffness eventually come back and I have to get another shot. Hope this helps.
Gout or Neuropathy: Around 30 years I woke up with the most unbearable pain in my left big toe. My regular Dr. was away so I went to a different one who first said GOUT. But, he said Gout usually showed up in the Right Big Toe, not the left. He therefore drew some crystals from my toe and said it wasn't gout and put me on medication for Neuropathy.
I few weeks later, my regular dr. insisted it was gout even though my uric acid level was normal and just put me on a gout diet. Thirty years later, the pain was unbearable. At last my Dr. sent me to a rheumatologist who definitely said it wasn't gout and I had better see a neurologist. It was neuropathy.
First find out what your problem is. Blood tests should be able to tell which one or just taking a Dr's hammer to the knee (it usued to be standard for doctors to d this) and see if there's a reaction. Doctor's don't do that anymore but my neuropathy would have been discovered much earlier.