Severe Pain Years Post Gallbladder Removal

Posted by taylor2 @taylor2, Feb 11 1:14pm

This is sort of a last ditch effort to find some idea about what has been plaguing me for years. I had my gallbladder removed after a series of attacks in 2016. I did not have any stones, but my HIDA showed 6% EF and after removal, they said I had a very narrow sphincter.

Since then, I have been to the ER several times for debilitating severe upper abdominal pain. I mean SEVERE. I have a high pain tolerance, and did not experience this level of pain with child birth. Each time they do bloodwork and X-rays, but tell me they cannot find anything wrong. I started noticing that the attacks came on after eating a particularly rich or fatty meal with wine. I got better at avoiding the attacks after awhile.

A few years later, I was having severe GI issues. Pain, extreme bloating (looks 9 months pregnant after eating), severe diarrhea, and daily crippling nausea. This lasted for months. I have struggled with nausea most of my life, but this was impacting my quality of life. They did an ultrasound, emptying scan, and upper and lower GI. They essentially found nothing wrong and said the nausea might be "in my head". I kind of gave up on GI drs after that. I did go GF because that seemed to help some.

Fast forward to 2023. I went to the ER with some abdominal pain and it turned out I had a ruptured diverticula and had most of my colon removed.

I recently started zepbound, and had food/wine in an amount that would not have normally caused one of these attacks, but it caused one of the worst ones yet. They last anywhere from 30 min to 2 hours usually. I cannot express enough how severe the pain is. I didn't go to ER because it is the same thing every time.

If you read this far, thank you. I feel like I am losing my mind. I still live with daily GI issues such as pain and nausea, but I have learned to cope. I wish I knew of at least a direction to point a new doctor in, but I have zero idea what this could be. It is like a gallbladder attack on steroids, but I don't have a gallbladder or appendix anymore. PLEASE HELP!

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I’m so sorry your having such pain .
I had my gallbladder removed in 1996, zero ejection fraction and stones inside polyps and and a stone left in my bile duct . Then I began so many ERCPs, acute pancreatitis , endless hospital admissions .. There was a few good years then started again in 2004.
Now they feel it’s scar tissue from the surgeries ( also had nissen fundiplication and take down..
The abdominal pain is daily , eating is not good most of the time . I push through it and when I can’t deal go to the ER.. but feel like I’m not heard .

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@enavtemca I’m supposed to be have the Nissen Fundiplacation done in the next couple months! Did it help you? How long before you could eat solids? My sphincter going into my stomach isn’t closing so they need to sew it up. I wake up choking so I can’t wear my cpap they say it’s the contents backing up in my stomach. I even have the head of the bed elevated


@enavtemca I’m supposed to be have the Nissen Fundiplacation done in the next couple months! Did it help you? How long before you could eat solids? My sphincter going into my stomach isn’t closing so they need to sew it up. I wake up choking so I can’t wear my cpap they say it’s the contents backing up in my stomach. I even have the head of the bed elevated

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My Nissan was done too tight so I could not swallow foods well , Also determined later I should not have had one ( I worked for the surgeon who did it ).
When done correctly , it will help !
Good luck with your surgery


I reread your original comments and you might read about liver disease and fatty liver and other liver problems and especially review the symptoms of each.

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They have checked my liver several times and said it is fine


Colon diverticulitis is another direction to research.

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I actually had my sigmoid colon removed a year and a half ago due to a ruptured diverticula


I’m so sorry your having such pain .
I had my gallbladder removed in 1996, zero ejection fraction and stones inside polyps and and a stone left in my bile duct . Then I began so many ERCPs, acute pancreatitis , endless hospital admissions .. There was a few good years then started again in 2004.
Now they feel it’s scar tissue from the surgeries ( also had nissen fundiplication and take down..
The abdominal pain is daily , eating is not good most of the time . I push through it and when I can’t deal go to the ER.. but feel like I’m not heard .

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I am so sorry to hear that we are in such similar boats! The constant fear of an attack and the daily stomach pain will drive you insane! Hoping someone listens and you get some answers too!


My Nissan was done too tight so I could not swallow foods well , Also determined later I should not have had one ( I worked for the surgeon who did it ).
When done correctly , it will help !
Good luck with your surgery

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@enavtemca wow what a surgeon to do that to his nurse hopefully he didn’t do it on purpose


@enavtemca wow what a surgeon to do that to his nurse hopefully he didn’t do it on purpose

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He did say he did it right not to. one undone .. I had this when they just started doing them robotic .
Much better now I was told , with precise measurements


I am so sorry to hear that we are in such similar boats! The constant fear of an attack and the daily stomach pain will drive you insane! Hoping someone listens and you get some answers too!

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Thank you ! I’m hoping so too! same for you

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